
Monday, August 6, 2012

Prophecy Watch :: PROPHECY ARTICLES :: Satan’s Licentious Technological War on America

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  AuthorTopic: Satan’s Licentious Technological War on America (Read 1 time)
Michael James Stone
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 Satan’s Licentious Technological War on America
« Thread Started Today at 1:16pm »
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Satan’s Licentious Technological Guerilla War on America!

With his entire being Lucifer hates and despises Adam’s race, which was created in the image of Almighty God (Gen. 1:27). His wicked desire is to violently oppress, exploit and use them (Eph. 2:1-3; Heb 2:14-15) until his doom is sealed (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10). It is because of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is “The Seed of the Woman” (Gen. 3:15; Matt. 1:20-23; Luke 1:30-35; John 1:14, Heb. 2:14-15, 10:4-12) that his doom is sure and his judgment final. That might be the reason for his intense hatred of the female population. In an effort to destroy America from with in, Satan has been waging his licentious technological guerrilla warfare on America via the new technological media outlets of this day. The 24/7 hit and run bombardment of the marketing of licentiousness to America has worn down our people, nation and moral compass. This bombardment has ravished this land and has brought us to the brink of societal destruction. How amazing is it that Americans are oblivious to this reality and have been demonically hypnotized into apathy, receptiveness and acceptance to this destructive social vice. In America, the laws of the jungle have now become mainstream!

In America, the laws of the jungle have now become mainstream!

The statistics of the horrific consequences of the sexual revolution of this last century are absolutely staggering to the mind. What is most sobering is how many America’s are absolutely oblivious to these realities. America’s current base licentious behavior, which dominates our U.S. culture and society today is accepted and received as normal and natural. Today’s sexual deviance has become one’s “personal” right and any opposition to this licentious life style is met with violent and slanderous character assassination.

America’s blind eye and apathy towards the horrific consequences of America’s godless immorality is astounding.

America’s blind eye and apathy towards the horrific consequences of America’s godless immorality is astounding. While countless numbers of STD’s including the AIDS virus ravishing and dominating mass areas of our American society today, yet the statistics and facts of the destructive consequences are explained away and ignored. A leftist secular dominating media refuses to bring to light the true realities of this decadent ticking time bomb and neglect to suggest the moral remedies which could vitally help our out of control epidemic (John 3:19-21). 

We have the accepted normality of the fatherless family and the violent product of this broken order.

Let’s look at just a few stats of the consequences of the sexual revolution of the 60’s. We have today in our American society an ever-increasing number of teen pregnancies. We have the blood of 50 million innocent aborted and murdered babies on our hands. We have the accepted normality of the fatherless family and the violent product of this broken order. These children, which survived their mother’s womb, are caught in a never ending circle of oppression, mental abuse, drug addiction and violence. We have countless numbers of America’s which are ensnared, enslaved and dominated by a tyrannical addiction to pornography and suffer the psychological effects of it. Our licentious godless culture is run a muck today with a non blushing culture of sex addicts and pedophiles burning with uncontrollable passions seeking to destroy lives at will for a moment’s gratification. We have the unashamed promotion of sex on TV to individuals of all ages in every facet of airtime.

We have countless numbers of America’s which are ensnared, enslaved and dominated by a tyrannical addiction to pornography and suffer the psychological effects of it.

Today’s Hollywood and movie industry are seeking to push the boundaries of immorality, the usage of graphic sex and seeking to promote their godless secular “morals”. These are literally “Hell bent” on promoting the acceptance of all these base life styles as normal and acceptable (Rom. 1:25-32). These decadent reprobates and tools of Lucifer promote and distribute the false illusion that there are NEVER any consequences for the unrestrained sexual lifestyle. These are deceiving millions of today’s ignorant youth and are breeding and accelerating the destructive consequences of this unrestrained life style (Eph. 2:1-2, 6:12).

These decadent reprobates and tools of Lucifer promote and distribute the false illusion that there are NEVER any consequences for the unrestrained sexual lifestyle.

As the moral fiber of this nation and world is on the brink of destruction, what is one to do? Almighty God cries out to mankind, Repent and be saved (John 3:16-17, Acts 16:29-31)! There is absolutely NO hope outside of the saving grace of Almighty God. My friend, may I ask you this, do you personally have a saving relationship to Jesus Christ? All depends on this relationship. As we - as a world - are heading globally into a time called the "Day of the Lord" and the "Day of Wrath", may you be sure that you know the One who alone can deliver you from this doomed and fallen world (Gal 1:14).

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


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