
Monday, April 23, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST "Front page" Monday April 23 2012 Iyar 1, 5772

paul ryan budget
(Photo: Reuters/Darren Hauck)

Evangelical Christians Agree, Disagree on Budget Priorities

By Napp Nazworth

House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan recently commented that the House Republican Budget for the federal government reflected Catholic principles. While Catholics have been debating the veracity of that claim, the occasion has also provided an opportunity for evangelicals of different political persuasions to debate how they understand biblical principles and the federal budget.

College Group Told to Eliminate 'Personal Commitment to Jesus' in Bylaws

By Alex Murashko

A Christian student group at Vanderbilt University has been told by the school's administration that it will lose its recognized status on campus unless the group removes its requirement that its leaders have a "personal commitment to Jesus Christ," says a Christian legal association.


Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Media Director Accepts Job in Obama Administration

By Paul Stanley

Planned Parenthood's former media director Tait Sye is now working for the Department of Health and Human Services as deputy assistant secretary for public affairs.

Politicians and pundits discussed Sunday whether or not President Barack Obama deserves blame for the recent scandals involving the Generals Services Administration and Secret Service. There was near unanimous agreement that Obama could not have anticipated the Secret Service scandal, but conservatives were divided on whether or not he should be criticized for the GSA scandal.

A professor at an evangelical university in Southern California claims that evangelicals are becoming more convinced of the evidence for man-made global warming ahead of Earth Day this Sunday.

With Rick Santorum now out of the presidential race, supporters of the Ron Paul campaign are stepping up efforts to court evangelical leaders.

Church & Ministries

Craig Groeschel

Craig Groeschel Urges Generations to Set Aside Resentment

By Alex Murashko

Pastor Craig Groeschel, speaking before 3,500 Christian leaders at Catalyst West, urged younger and older generations within the church to invest their time and efforts toward each other to create the unity needed for change.

Pastor Britt Merrick, founder of a church planting movement based in the Santa Barbara area of California, said that his 7-year-old daughter is suffering from a third bout with cancer and that he will be taking an extended leave of absence from his ministry.

Michael Kelley, a Christian minister from Tennessee, explained how his two-year-old son's cancer helped him realize the importance of being a good steward of his painful experiences and not just of his money and talents.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange has appointed a rector to preside over the Crystal Cathedral, the iconic building purchased earlier this year by the diocese from the ministry founded decades ago by the Rev. Robert H. Schuller.

Willow Creek Community Church is hosting a 5k run/walk April 21 to raise funds to buy shoes for children in developing countries. The megachurch will be using the run to kick off its annual "Celebration of Hope" campaign, a part of the ministry's initiative to encourage Christians to live a "lifestyle of compassion."


MegaFest 2005: A Total Family Experience

GMA Dove Awards 2012: Lecrae, Jason Crabb Win Big

By Emma Koonse

The 43rd Annual GMA Dove Awards has recognized today's top Christian artists as they came together in celebration of gospel music on Thursday night.

The New York Knicks have officially clinched a playoff spot, which may mean that Jeremy Lin fans could possibly see the injured point guard return to help his team through the tournament.

Another Nicholas Sparks novel has made it to the big screen with "The Lucky One" taking viewers on an emotionally charged journey toward love.


cuba church

Thousands Flock to View 'Holy Robe' of Jesus on Pilgrimage's 500-Year Anniversary

By Katherine Weber

Christians from around the world have been flocking to Germany's oldest city to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Pilgrimage of the Holy Robe, the seamless garment believed to be worn by Jesus shortly before his crucifixion.

The largest organization of Roman Catholic nuns in the U.S. has been hit by a Vatican-ordered crackdown which branded the The Leadership Conference of Women Religious as too "radical" and diverging from several core pillars of Catholic faith.

A research report by the University of Chicago on belief in God across a number of countries has found that faith increases with age, but the number of those certain of the existence of God has declined, with the lowest number of faithful people reported in Japan.

The Voice of the Martyrs Executive Director Tom White has passed away, the organization announced Wednesday April 18.

United States officials have announced that terrorist group Boko Haram is planning to attack the Nigerian capital of Abuja. Boko Haram has been quite active in the country, killing innocent people in order to achieve its goal of imposing Sharia law throughout Nigeria.

Tech & Biz

Leaked Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S3 Makes Appearance in Asia

By Vincent Funaro

A Vietnamese site has posted a picture of what it says is the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone or the GT-I9300, which is the internal name for the device.

Microsoft is reportedly working on integrating Skype into its Xbox video gaming console, according to a recent job posting released by the company.

The next generation iPhone may not see the light of day until October of this year due to an production issue at Qualcomm, a company responsible for producing components for the next line of LTE devices.

The HTC One S smartphone will be released through T-Mobile on April 25, according to an announcement made by the company this week.

Don't Attempt Relationships or Marriage Without Jesus

By Dan Delzell

Relationships can get very messy. Perhaps you already have firsthand experience in that area. The only Person I know who has the ability to clean up the mess is Jesus Christ. In fact, He also has the power to help a man and woman stay out of a bunch of stuff that will only bring heartache into their home.


Hiding From God Behind His Law

Tullian Tchividjian

There are two ways we can miss the mark of righteousness before God, two ways the relationship can be destroyed. One is more or less obvious: outright sinfulness, unrighteousness, lawlessness, self-indulgence, what the Bible would call "worldliness" or, perhaps in more modern dress, carelessness or heedlessness. In other words, we can just say to God, "No thanks, I don't want it, I'll take my own chances."


Freedom of Religion = Freedom of Worship?

Code Orange, Elevation

It may not have even caught your attention. It may not appear to be that different. But when people, especially the current president of the United States, intentionally replace the words "freedom of religion" with "freedom of worship," is it just a distinction without a difference, or is it a major change about which we need to be concerned?


Chuck Colson Dies at 80; Remembered for Dramatic Faith Conversion, Life

chuck colson

Chuck Colson, who became a born-again Christian amid the Watergate scandal and later became the most prominent advocate for the spiritual transformation of prisoners, died Saturday afternoon, according to Prison Fellowship ministry. He was 80.


The Church Without Walls


A man had a dream one night. In his dream he died and went to heaven. When he got to heaven he seen a number of doors and a line of people at each door. As he took a closer look, he noticed there was a sign above each door. Each sign represented a different denomination. Above one was "Baptist". Abo


Reflections on Chuck Colson's Death by a Fellow Nixon Aide

wallace henley

"Chuck Colson has become a Christian – really!" "Yeah, and I'm ready to buy the Brooklyn Bridge," I replied. I had worked as a junior aide in the Nixon White House. I knew Colson. It simply wasn't possible. God is omnipotent, but that omnipotent? The mutual friend who had just phoned me from Washington with news of Colson's conversion insisted it was true. The weeks and months ahead proved it.


On Religion and Climate Change

climate change

Earth Day is around the corner, and next week a religious group dedicated to the environment will be meeting in Washington , D.C.


Anders Behring Breivik's Brain: Magic, Mysticism, Mayhem

Anders Breivik on way to court

Hell is not a virtual world. Anders Behring Breivik proved it on July 22, 2011 when he slaughtered 77 people in Norway. On that summer day last year, Breivik pulled onscreen hellishness into the world of space, matter, and time. Last Thursday, in testimony at his trial, Breivik told of how he brought shocking virtual gore into horrible reality.


Chuck Colson: Goodbye, Friend and Hero

Chuck Colson

As a young 20-something, I had the unique experience of working at Prison Fellowship and serving as an aide to Chuck Colson. Over the next few years, Chuck became my friend as well as my hero. Chuck called me his chief-of-staff – which meant bag carrier, travel agent, office manager, radio producer and chauffer.


The Oxymoron of Christian Protest

occupy wall street church religion christians

On April 22, many Christians I know gathered to demonstrate for their "right" to worship in New York City schools at Cadman Plaza, Brooklyn Bridge. While it may be their right to protest as American citizens, protesting in any form, as a Christ-follower is misguided and unbiblical.


In Defense of Celebrity Pastors

Saddleback Church

To be a celebrity pastor is to have the ear of lots of other pastors. All good movements have good leaders. As movements grow in size, so do the fame of their leaders. This is a normal process, nothing inherently wrong with it. In fact, there is something right with it: Leaders who influence many others for good give strength to all and strengthen the movement.


Death Is Stranger Than Fiction

Judgement House

Man seems to race through life doing almost anything to avoid thinking about his own death. At some point however, the thought of death is unavoidable. Robert Ebert describes the many e-mails he now receives with word of this person or that person passing away. He explains how even the memories of those people begin to fade away over time. Ebert writes, "That is what death means.


Inside Church Planting: Worship Really Can Happen Anywhere (Part 3)

Westside Fellowship Church

In many towns across the U.S., you can locate a number of well-established churches simply by looking for their steeples. But many church plants, including the one I serve, will meet in a variety of different (and usually not ideal) locations before they establish themselves in a building of their own.


Lying To God

As I was studying for this Sunday's message, I was reading once again the passage about lying to God. The passage in Acts 5 where a husband and wife named Ananias and Sapphira collaborated together to lie to the apostles and others in the church, and ultimately end up lying to God.


Interview: Catholic Priest on Ryan Budget and Church Doctrine

Rev. Robert Sirico

House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said in a recent interview that theHouse Republican budget reflects Catholic doctrine. Some have criticized those remarks, so The Christian Post spoke to Roman Catholic priest Robert Sirico to get another perspective.


The Post-Christian Condition – Anders Breivik and the Limitations of Justice

Anders Behring Breivik

The trial of Anders Behring Breivik represents one of the greatest tests of human justice in decades. Breivik has celebrated his murderous actions in court, calling his massacre the most "spectacular" event in recent European history.


Federal Budget Debate: What Would Jesus Say?

Paul Ryan budget

Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis), chairman of the House Budget Committee, contends that his approach to the proposed federal budget is shaped by his worldview as a Catholic Christian.


The Recipe for a Successful Pastor

Matt Chandler

I am convinced that many of the problems in pastoral culture result from an unbiblical definition of the essential ingredients of ministry success. Sure, most candidate profiles expect a "vibrant walk with the Lord," but these words are often weakened by a process that asks few questions in this area and makes grand assumptions.


Obama Gave the Church Less Than One-Half Percent of $18 Million Income Over 12 Years

obama church

An analysis of 12 years of tax returns recently released by President Barack Obama from 2000 to 2011 shows that the First Family donated 1.4 percent or less of their income to charity until he began to run for the U.S. Senate in 2004, and gave only nominal amounts to the church except for substantial donations to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Trinity Church of Christ in 2006 and 2007.


Imagine Yourself Overcoming Your Most Tenacious Sin

Darkness over the Whole Land

What is your biggest area of weakness and temptation? The only way to experience victory in Jesus over that sin is to own it and rise above it by God's grace. You can do it, but you first must believe that God can free you from the chains of that thing which pull at you day after day.


Theologians OK With Bible Translation Replacing 'Jesus Christ,' 'Angel'


Some theologians say the new Bible translationThe Voice that replaces words like "Christ" with "Anointed One" and "angel" with "messenger" is acceptable.


Dying to Meet Him: Finally Coming Home


Sara Gabrielle Devenish went home to Jesus sometime in the early morning hours today. It was in her sleep and it was peaceful.


5 Birth Control Mandate Myths


In the debate over the Obama administration's birth control mandate, there has been much misinformation. Here are five common myths regarding what the mandate does and does not do.


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