
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST: "Front Page" Wednesday April 25 2012 Iyar 3, 5772

Kenyan people in line to receive mosquito nets.
(Photo: World Vision)

Churches Partner With World Vision in 'Divine Initiative' to Help End Malaria

By Ivana Kvesic

In the past, the church has not been a major player in the fight against malaria, but World Vision, along with Christian leaders and churches across the U.S., is working to unite the faith community in its war against against the disease responsible for the deaths of millions of children.

Newt Gingrich to End White House Bid; Official Announcement Likely Next Week

By Brittney R. Villalva

Newt Gingrich is reportedly set to drop out of the race to be the Republican nominee for the White House, with an official announcement likely to be made next week.


Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen: Mormon Romney Is Christian; Obama Is Too

By Paul Stanley

Joel Osteen, the popular megachurch pastor from Houston, appeared Tuesday afternoon on CNN's "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer" and said that he considers both presumed GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, a Mormon, and President Obama to be Christians.

The city of Hutchinson, Kan., is mulling over a proposed law that would force some churches in the community, regardless of their religious convictions, to rent their church halls to gay couples for events.

Anthony Federico, the former ESPN editor who was fired for creating a headline he says was misinterpreted as a racial slur against New York Knicks Asian-American point guard Jeremy Lin, recently told The Christian Post that his faith was the only thing that helped him through the potentially career-ending incident.

Medicare and Social Security are running out of money sooner than previously thought, according to the annual report of trustees of the Medicare and Social Security program. The report highlights the need for reforms to maintain solvency of the programs.

Church & Ministries

Charles Jenkins

Church Planters Share Stories of Being 'Sifted' at Exponential Conference

By Alex Murashko

Christian leaders with a heart for church planting are being encouraged at the Exponential conference to move past the difficulties they will encounter when they start their houses of worship.

After it was revealed last Wednesday that The Voice of the Martyrs' Walter Thomas "Tom" White had been found dead at the Christian ministry's Oklahoma headquarters, it was reported days later that the executive director had possibly committed suicide amid an investigation into allegations that he had molested a young girl.

Having doubts about Christianity even after having just made a profession of faith in Jesus is inevitable for new believers, say pastors, including Harvest Ministries founder Greg Laurie.

As the lead pastor of a megachurch in the Bible Belt, Matt Chandler has come across many people who grew up believing they should pursue a type of religious morality over Jesus and his Gospel because that is what they were taught in their churches. On Saturday, Chandler discussed his new book, The Explicit Gospel, during a live webcast from CrossPointe Church in Orlando, Fla., and explained why morality isn't enough.

Sen. Orrin Hatch: Special 'Obamacare' Program Is Election Year Ploy

Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said Monday that a ...

Vanderbilt University's Religious Groups Lose Recognition

In the ongoing debate over religious freedom at ...

Calif. Christian College Resumes Classes After Shooting Nightmare

Oikos University, the Christian college in ...

'Stand Your Ground' Lawmaker Relieved George Zimmerman Has Been Charged

Florida Rep. Dennis Baxley, the Republican state ...

Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Kraft Dump Conservative Nonprofit ALEC

The non-partisan, conservative leaning American ...

Mitt Romney Adds Openly Gay Adviser to Team; Mormon Beliefs Questioned

Likely Republican presidential nominee Mitt ...

Over 7,000 People Boycott Groupon Over Torture Porn Tour Deal

An anti-pornography group that launched a boycott ...

CBO Report: Obama Budget Would Worsen Economy Long Term

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office ...

Influential DC-Area Megachurch Divides Over Power Struggle

A multimillion dollar ministry in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area is getting closer to a schism as its congregation worshipped in two different locations this past Sunday.


Marion Jones of the U.S. celebrates her win in the women's 100m final at the Sydney Olympic Games, in this September 23, 2000 file photo. Jones admitted using steroids as she prepared for the 2000 Olympics.

Marion Jones On Meeting God in Prison Following Drugs Scandal


Track and field star Marion Jones has met God while serving time for perjury. Jones' fall from public grace in 2007 was highly publicized after she admitted to lying to federal agents about her use of performance enhancing drugs prior to the 2000 Summer Olympics.

"I asked God to protect me – and he didn't let me down." This was the emotional testimony of professional English soccer player Fabrice Muamba, who has astounded doctors with his "miracle" recovery from cardiac arrest.

Months of rumors have now been confirmed: Russell Crowe will take on the lead role in an upcoming film based on the epic biblical story of Noah and his ark.


St Paul's Cathedral in central London.

Nigerian Archbishop: Church in Britain Losing Its 'Evangelical Edge'

By Christian Today

Britain's drift away from its Christian moorings is impacting its ability to support Christians being attacked in other countries, the Archbishop of Nigeria has warned.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who was diagnosed with cancer last June, has said in a recent broadcast that he believes he has made a pact with Jesus Christ and that he will heal him of his condition.

More than 40,000 people gathered at Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow as Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, declared on Sunday, a nationwide Day of Prayer, that the church is "under attack by persecutors."

Christians in the U.K. are turning increasingly to social media sites like Facebook to share their faith, new research has found.

Christians in Mali are in a "desperate plight" following last month's military coup, international Christian aid agency Barnabas Fund has warned.

Tech & Biz

Photo Taken With Galaxy S3 Camera 2

Photos Taken With Samsung Galaxy S3 Camera Leak

By Vincent Funaro

Photos that were reportedly taken with the camera on the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S3 were leaked onto a Picasa account earlier today.

Verizon dropped the price of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus down to $199 after Sprint released its own model of the smartphone earlier today that retails at that same price.

Sprint launched the Samsung Galaxy Nexus and LG Viper 4G smartphones today.

Microsoft is reportedly working on integrating Skype into its Xbox video gaming console, according to a recent job posting released by the company.

The Ugly American — Sex Trafficking and Our National Humiliation

By R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

The sexual revolution of the last several decades has transformed any public conversation about sex and sexuality. The revolutionaries directed their attention to the dismantling of an entire edifice of sexual morality that had been basically intact for well over 2,000 years.


Gabrielle (Elle) Devenish: Anorexia Steals Life of Colleague, Friend

Sara Gabrielle Devenish, better known to her colleagues and friends as "Elle," was taken home by her Lord and Savior on Thursday in the early morning hours. She died peacefully in her sleep, just the way she had imagined she would.


What's Wrong With Theistic Evolution?

creation museum

Why can't we say Adam was a real person and the first person to know God, but not the only human on the planet?


A Fresh Look at Morning Devotions

You get up in the morning, groggy and sleepy eyed. Maybe you take your shower and have a cup of coffee and then for many Christians it is off to do your "morning devotions." You may find a quiet place in the house if that is possible, or go to your computer and look up a devotional like Spurgeon's Morning and Evening or Oswald Chamber's My utmost for His highest or if you are really hip then you go and read Greg Laurie's devotional.


Counterpoint: Gay Man and Ex-Gay Discuss Homosexuality

gay protest

As the 2012 presidential election draw closer, several questions of spiritual importance have led to partisan political discussion. However the subject of homosexuality and same-sex marriage has proved to be an especially divisive subject.


Chuck Colson – God's Man in the Arena

Richard Land

Chuck Colson (1931-2012) was a giant among Christians in America. If there were an Evangelical Mount Rushmore, Chuck Colson would be on it.


Olympic Host Prime Minister Is a Pace-Setter in Race to Help Poor


With less than 100 days to go, the race to the London Olympics is entering the home stretch. But at the same time, with less glamour and glitz, a far more challenging set of races are on in nations across the globe.


Dove Awards 2012: Lecrae, Jason Crabb (VIDEO)

Jason Crabb

Christian artists Jason Crabb and Lecrae garnered some of the night's highest honors during the GMA Dove Awards Thursday. See their video interviews with CP here.


Don't Attempt Relationships or Marriage Without Jesus


Relationships can get very messy. Perhaps you already have firsthand experience in that area. The only Person I know who has the ability to clean up the mess is Jesus Christ. In fact, He also has the power to help a man and woman stay out of a bunch of stuff that will only bring heartache into their home.


Rhetoric Is for Arguments, Not Hood Ornaments or Bumper Stickers

As an Evangelical Christian theologian and Zen Buddhist priest, we ask religious leaders and politicians to weigh carefully their rhetorically charged claims this most political of seasons. Rhetoric is for arguments, not hood ornaments or bumper stickers.


Evangelical Christians Agree, Disagree on Budget Priorities

paul ryan budget

House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan recently commented that the House Republican Budget for the federal government reflected Catholic principles. While Catholics have been debating the veracity of that claim, the occasion has also provided an opportunity for evangelicals of different political persuasions to debate how they understand biblical principles and the federal budget.


Calvinism vs. Arminianism: Has There Been Enough Said?


Sometimes I believe that people are more interested in arguing over Calvinism vs. Arminianism than sharing Jesus. In his book, Southern Baptist Thought Since 1845: Has Our Theology Changed, Paul Basden writes about our history of theology, saying that predestination is that doctrine that relates God’s purpose to the human hope of salvation.


Partnerships Essential to Relieve Suffering in the Horn of Africa

International Relief & Development staff in the Somali region work with local kebele leaders to ensure adequate supply and smooth distribution in this photo published Sept. 23, 2011.

The worst drought in 60 years has hit the Horn of Africa, taking a terrible toll on crops, livestock, and people. Desperate conditions have forced more than 150,000 people to flee into Kenya and Ethiopia from Somalia, burdening fragile host communities and overcrowding refugee camps.


Obeying Church and State

flag, cross

The nation's Catholic bishops recently "urged resistance to laws that church officials consider unjust." They encouraged "fellow Catholics and fellow Americans to be on guard, for religious liberty is under attack, both at home and abroad." I write each week for the Texas Faith blog of The Dallas Morning News. This week we were asked to respond to this timely question: "How far should people of faith go in resisting laws they consider unjust?"


Hiding From God Behind His Law

Tullian Tchividjian

There are two ways we can miss the mark of righteousness before God, two ways the relationship can be destroyed. One is more or less obvious: outright sinfulness, unrighteousness, lawlessness, self-indulgence, what the Bible would call "worldliness" or, perhaps in more modern dress, carelessness or heedlessness. In other words, we can just say to God, "No thanks, I don't want it, I'll take my own chances."


Freedom of Religion = Freedom of Worship?

Code Orange, Elevation

It may not have even caught your attention. It may not appear to be that different. But when people, especially the current president of the United States, intentionally replace the words "freedom of religion" with "freedom of worship," is it just a distinction without a difference, or is it a major change about which we need to be concerned?


Chuck Colson Dies at 80; Remembered for Dramatic Faith Conversion, Life

chuck colson

Chuck Colson, who became a born-again Christian amid the Watergate scandal and later became the most prominent advocate for the spiritual transformation of prisoners, died Saturday afternoon, according to Prison Fellowship ministry. He was 80.


The Hunger Games and Our Appetites

The Hunger Games looks to be the start of a franchise set to rival Harry Potter in popularity. The post-apocalyptic film, based on the first book in the best-selling series by Suzanne Collins, continues a four-week reign at the box office.


Peace Talks in Sudan

Peace Talks in Sudan

Brian Stiller, global ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance, talks about the political state of South Sudan.


Death Is Stranger Than Fiction

Judgement House

Man seems to race through life doing almost anything to avoid thinking about his own death. At some point however, the thought of death is unavoidable. Robert Ebert describes the many e-mails he now receives with word of this person or that person passing away. He explains how even the memories of those people begin to fade away over time. Ebert writes, "That is what death means.


Inside Church Planting: Worship Really Can Happen Anywhere (Part 3)

Westside Fellowship Church

In many towns across the U.S., you can locate a number of well-established churches simply by looking for their steeples. But many church plants, including the one I serve, will meet in a variety of different (and usually not ideal) locations before they establish themselves in a building of their own.


Obama Gave the Church Less Than One-Half Percent of $18 Million Income Over 12 Years

obama church

An analysis of 12 years of tax returns recently released by President Barack Obama from 2000 to 2011 shows that the First Family donated 1.4 percent or less of their income to charity until he began to run for the U.S. Senate in 2004, and gave only nominal amounts to the church except for substantial donations to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Trinity Church of Christ in 2006 and 2007.


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