
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST: Front Page Tuesday May 1 2012 Iyar 9, 5772

(Photo: Luis Palau Association/Brad Person)

Atheists Motivated by Compassion, Believers by Doctrine When It Comes to Giving?

By Stoyan Zaimov

A new study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley suggests that compassion motivates the non-religious more so than people of faith when it comes to helping others in need, and that religious people may instead be compelled to action by doctrinal beliefs.

Gay Republican Group Founder Says Romney Is Against Same-Sex Marriage

By Paul Stanley

The founder of the gay political action group Log Cabin Republicans asserts that Mitt Romney does not support gay marriage, even though Romney won support from the group in his 1994 bid for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts.



HHS Secretary: No Legal Memo on Religious Freedom Issues in Birth Control Mandate

By Napp Nazworth

In sworn testimony before the House Education and Workforce Committee, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said that her general counsel did not write a legal memo explaining the religious freedom issues in the birth control mandate. During the same line of questioning, Sebelius also admitted to being unfamiliar with several important Supreme Court religious freedom cases.

Two groups that represent a large percentage of atheists, the American Humanist Association and the Secular Coalition of America, are joining forces to combat the National Day of Prayer by promoting the National Day of Reason, which is held on the first Thursday of May each year.

A new poll conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute, a liberal polling research organization, shows that American Jews look more favorably upon Mormons and Muslims than the Christian Right. The survey, though, makes some faulty comparisons.

University of Nebraska's assistant football coach Ron Brown, a committed evangelical Christian, has been under public scrutiny and faced calls for his dismissal after he expressed his beliefs on homosexuality during an Omaha City Council meeting in March.

In the current presidential race between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Obama appears to have an easier path to reach the 270 electoral college votes needed to win the presidential nomination.

Church & Ministries

J. D. Greear

NC Megachurch Pastor Says It's a Sin to Forbid Speaking in Tongues

By Lillian Kwon

A Durham, N.C., megachurch pastor recently asserted that he would not forbid people from speaking in tongues and to do so is a sin.

Two Mississippi Presbyterian churches have voted to leave the Presbyterian Church (USA) over increasing theological differences. They will join the smaller and more conservative Evangelical Presbyterian Church.

Author Kay Warren delivered a sermon on choosing joy at the Crystal Cathedral during two Sunday worship services that were taped for the Garden Grove church's "Hour of Power" TV broadcast.

An enthusiastic welcome was given to evangelist Franklin Graham by Ghana President John Evans Atta Mills on the first night of a two-night Billy Graham Evangelistic Association event held at a stadium in Accra.


Jeremy Lin

Jeremy Lin Shares Advice and Rap Skills With NYC Students, Christian Club

By Christine Thomasos

A New York City magnet school invited Jeremy Lin in March to speak at its graduation ceremony. Although Lin said he could not attend, he recently offered students words of advice, a look at his rapping skills and a special message to the Christians on campus.

Nick Minaj, 29-year-old New York genre-bending rapper, recently spoke about how the church saved her family, and how God is her hero.

Christian rapper Lecrae has confirmed that his fifth studio album to be titled Gravity will be released in the fall of this year, according to a report on


A roadblock burns after a bombing at St. Finbarr's Catholic Church in the Rayfield suburb of the Nigerian city of Jos March 11, 2012.

Vatican Warns African Christians Against 'Temptation of Hate' After Terrorist Attacks

By Stoyan Zaimov

The Vatican has expressed sympathy for the two dozen victims of the latest terrorist attacks in Nigeria and Kenya targeting Christians, but has called on believers to not give in to the "temptations of hate."

A pastor and at least 20 worshippers were killed when gunmen suspected to be Islamist militants opened fire in two separate incidents targeting worship services in northern Nigeria Sunday.

Churches willing to overlook traditional scriptural beliefs with regards to homosexuality are experiencing growth in Brazil, according to a new report. However, they are being criticized by evangelical and Catholic Churches in the country as watering down scripture, with one apologist even calling them an "apostasy."

Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir declared a state of emergency Sunday along much of its border with South Sudan amid growing hostilities between the two countries over disputed oil-rich areas.

The beheaded body of a British doctor working for the International Committee of the Red Cross was discovered on a Pakistani roadside Sunday.

Tech & Biz

Samsung Galaxy S3 Manual

Samsung Galaxy S3 Manual and Sketch Leak

By Vincent Funaro

A manual and sketch of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone leaked onto the internet over the weekend, revealing the general design for the device along with specifications.

The iPhone 5 could be launching at this year's WorldWide Developers Conference, set to take place in June, according to a report received by tech blog YouMobile yesterday.

A new competition has been raised in the automotive world, as some question who will be the first to come out with the first completely self driven car.

Microsoft never slacks when it comes to Halo, and the fourth installment of the series will be no exception as the company has announced that it will release a web-based live action animated series based on the game in November.

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