
Sunday, May 6, 2012

SUNDAY EDITION (5): TruNews WEEK-IN-REVIEW May 6, 2012 Iyyar 14, 5772


Friday, 04.May.2012

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Russia Does Not Rule Out Preemptive Missile Defense Strike

Russia does not exclude preemptive use of weapons against [NATO] missile defense systems in Europe but only as a last resort, the Russian General Staff said on Thursday at a missile defense conference in Moscow. “The placement of new strike weapons in the south and northwest of Russia against [NATO] missile defense components, including the deployment of Iskander missile systems in Kaliningrad region is one possible way of incapacitating the European missile defense infrastructure,” Chief of the General Staff Nikolai Makarov said. Taking into account the “destabilizing nature of the missile defense system... the decision on the pre-emptive use of available weapons will be made during an aggravation of the situation,” he said. The projected European missile defense system could by 2020 have the...


Syria uprising creates chemical weapons concerns

THE HAGUE - With an uprising in Syria loosening the grip of president Bashar Assad, world powers are worried that he could lose control of a secret stockpile of chemical weapons, giving terrorists access to deadly poison gas. Syria is one of just eight states - along with its arch foe Israel and nearby Egypt - that have not joined the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention, which means the world's chemical weapons watchdog has no jurisdiction to intervene there. Western countries believe that Damascus has the world's largest remaining stockpile of...


Did IDF hold secret chemical drill?

Officials say they still don't know the source of the chlorine-like smell that caused a scare among hundreds of thousands of residents in the centeral Israel, but some reports suggest the foul smell was a result of a military drill. Earlier Thursday, Ramat HaSharon Mayor Itzik Rochberger claimed the IDF's Home Front Command informed him of the odor's source but did not share the information with Ministry of Environment. "Why was there no synchronization between officials," the mayor said, but did not reveal the exact nature of the substance...


It's out there: Science journal publishes details of deadly lab-made bird flu that 'could cause global pandemic'

The science journal Nature has published the first of two controversial papers about laboratory-enhanced versions of the deadly bird flu virus - described by some as a 'recipe' for a bioterror attack. The virus sparked fears among U.S. biosecurity experts that it could be used as a recipe for a bioterrorist attack. Bird flu is lethal in humans, but in its natural form, is unable to be spread from person to person by coughing or sneezing. The publication of the paper by Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, on Wednesday follows...


EU Plot To Scrap Britain

SENIOR Eurocrats are secretly plotting to create a super-powerful EU president to realise their dream of abolishing ­Britain and other nation states, the Daily Express can reveal. A covert group of EU foreign ministers has drawn up plans for merging the jobs currently done by Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, and Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission. The new bureaucrat, who would not be directly elected by voters, is set to get sweeping control over the entire EU and force member countries into...


Israel's military censor to monitor Facebook, Twitter, blogs

Israel's military launched a new system this week to monitor information on the Internet, the chief military censor said on Tuesday. Col. Sima Vaknin-Gil said that the new system will monitor visual and textual information on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, on blogs and on traditional news sites. Speaking at the Digit 2012 conference at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya, Vaknin-Gil explained that the new system will examine information using key words labeled in advance. The system will be able to monitor...


Powerful surveillance cameras read texts

Surveillance cameras are now so powerful that they were able to zoom in on individual spectators at the Rugby World Cup and read their text messages. Details of police monitoring used for the first time during the tournament were discussed at a privacy forum in Wellington yesterday, at which it was revealed that the average person is digitally recorded about a dozen times a day – and even more if they use email and social media frequently. Superintendent Grant O'Fee told the forum how one incident at the Rugby World Cup "tweaked in my... 


Samsung Galaxy S III Tracks Your Eyes, Knows When You’re Ready to Call

After months of speculation, Samsung’s Galaxy S III smartphone is here, and just as rumored, it has a massive touchscreen and a speedy quad-core processor. It’s also the official smartphone of the 2012 Olympic Games. As Samsung unveiled the Galaxy S III in London Thursday, it focused less on spec details and more on the concept that the phone can actually predict your next move — a talent you won’t find in rival phones like the HTC One X and Apple’s iPhone 4S. One new feature, Smart Stay, uses eye-tracking technology to put the phone to sleep...


Military begins Olympic security exercises in London

Tests of air defence missile systems at six sites across London using dummy armaments have begun. And Typhoon jets, based at RAF Northolt in west London, will take to the skies over south-east England with Lynx, Sea King and Puma helicopters. Exercise Olympic Guardian, which goes on until 10 May, will also see HMS Ocean sail to Greenwich in the capital. Military chiefs have warned residents of an increase in loud air activity. The exercises are testing how RAF personnel, soldiers and sailors will intercept and communicate with aircraft...


“We are Preparing for Massive Civil War,” Says DHS Informant

In a riveting interview on TruNews Radio, Wednesday, private investigator Doug Hagmann said high-level, reliable sources told him the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing for “massive civil war” in America. “Folks, we’re getting ready for one massive economic collapse,” Hagmann told TruNews host Rick Wiles. Sign-up for my 100% FREE Alerts “We have...


Rand Paul has a quick fix for TSA: Pull the plug

Rand Paul has a reform plan for the Transportation Security Administration: Scrap the whole thing. A personal message from Paul (R-Ky.) came atop emails this week from the Campaign for Liberty Vice President Matt Hawes, asking for readers to sign a petition in support of Paul’s “End the TSA” bill. A Paul spokeswoman said that legislation is being finalized next week. “Every inch of our person has become fair game for government thugs posing as ‘security’ as we travel around the country. Senator Rand Paul has a plan to do away with the... 


Google Street View exposes secret Israeli base

Classified details about a secret base in the Tel Aviv area have been exposed by Google Street View, the panoramic map service launched in Israel's three largest cities in April. The new service allows users to see soldiers and vehicles inside the base, aggravating concerns that Google Street View could comprise Israel's national security and provide the Jewish state's enemies with easy access to useful information. The service was reportedly launched in coordination with Israel's security authorities, which asked Google to erase images from... 


Chen Guangcheng: I want a seat on Hillary Clinton’s plane out of China

Speaking from his hospital bed, Mr Chen told The Daily Telegraph that he no longer felt safe and wanted to leave after learning his wife was held in a police station for two days and "nearly beaten to death". The self-taught lawyer, who has been blind since childhood, left the protection of the US embassy in Beijing on Wednesday after agreeing a deal to be reunited with his family. American officials pledged they would monitor his safety. However, when Robert Wang, the deputy chief of mission, tried to visit Mr Chen in hospital on Thursday he was...


Massive money-laundering lapses alleged at HSBC

NEW YORK — In April 2003, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and New York state bank regulators cracked the whip on HSBC Bank USA, ordering it to do a better job of policing itself for suspicious money flows. Staff in the bank’s anti-money laundering division, according to a person who worked there at the time, flew into a “panic.” The U.S. unit of London-based HSBC Holdings Plc quickly rallied. It hired a tough federal prosecutor to oversee anti-money laundering efforts. It installed monitoring systems for operations that had grown...


USDA quarantines 2 farms in mad cow investigation

(CNN) -- Two farms have been quarantined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as the agency continues to investigate last month's discovery of mad cow disease at a California dairy farm. Authorities also have launched an investigation at a calf ranch where the initial infected cow was raised 10 years ago, according to a statement released late Wednesday by the USDA. Last week, the USDA documented the fourth confirmed U.S. case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) -- a brain wasting disease affecting cattle -- known commonly...


The surprising threat from Mexico's awakened volcano

North America's second-tallest volcano recently rumbled to life, putting authorities on edge. Big eruptions of Mexico's massive Popocatepetl volcano are "few and far between," as one geologist says. Yet even without any dramatic fireworks, 17,800-foot (5,425-meter) "Popo" has the power to wreak havoc. Geologist Mike Sheridan, a professor emeritus at the University at Buffalo, said that Popo and, in fact, many other volcanoes around the world harbor a means of destruction that many people may not associate with volcanoes: mudflows. "And they...


Windermere massive sinkhole threatens Florida home

WINDERMERE, Fla. - A massive sinkhole has opened up in the backyard of a Windermere home. The sinkhole is about 50-feet wide and 50-feet deep. Officials said the sinkhole swallowed up four trees. Crews with the Orange County Fire Rescue are working to stabilize the sinkhole and monitor the situation. 


'Supermoon,' Meteor Shower and Solar Eclipse to Grace May Skies

The month of May looks to be a promising one for skywatchers around the world, with the largest full moon of the year — a so-called "supermoon" — kicking things off this weekend. But the moon is just one of several tantalizing sky events this month, which include a meteor shower from Halley's comet and the first solar eclipse of the year. The skywatching action starts with a celestial double-feature. On Saturday and Sunday (May 5- 6) a "supermoon" of 2012 and the Eta Aquarid meteor shower will both hit their peak. While the bright full moon...


You really are one ugly pig! The hideous hogs discovered living deep in Chinese mountain range

Could these be the world's ugliest pigs? Farmer Lan Yi, from Luocheng in southern China's Guangxi Province decided to raise a pair of the hideous hogs after he discovered them living deep in the mountains. He captured the two ferocious-looking porkers last year when they were just piglets during a trip to the Jiuwan mountain range. He said: 'They were still piglets when I discovered them in a litter in a deep mountain place.' The two animals have large hooves, fearsome snouts and thick black hair covering their body. Yan now hopes to breed...


Pomegranate juice increases sex drive, study finds

POMEGRANATE juice increases sex drive, a Scottish study has found. Regular glasses of the fruit juice raised levels of the sex hormone testosterone in men and women. The study by researchers from Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh saw 58 volunteers drinking daily glasses of pomegranate juice for two weeks, after which testosterone levels in both men and women had “significantly increased”. For men this led to more facial hair, a deep voice and greater sexual urges. Women, who produce testosterone in ovaries and adrenal glands...


Geert Wilders, Marked For Death

Following the defeat of fascism in World War II and the collapse of Soviet communism in the late 1980’s, Fukuyama and others posited the ‘End of History’ thesis, by which was meant that ideas of freedom and liberal democracy had won the day. How wrong they were! During the long years of the ‘Cold War’ and of the ‘Pax Americana’ in Europe and East Asia, cultural changes were gradually taking place in sheltered countries whose cultural elites in media, academia and politics, began to lose touch with the realities of the world...


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