
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

WORLD WATCH DAILY: Tuesday May 1, 2012 Iyyar 9, 5772

Koenig's International News
Washington: 9:08:11 am - May 1, 2012 - Jerusalem: 4:08:11 pm - Iyyar 9, 5772

Christian News

Iranian vessel during drill (Photo: MCT)


US deploys F-22 fighter jets to UAE: officials


Christian News

An F-22 Raptor. The United States has deployed 
sophisticated F-22 fighter jets to …


The United States has deployed sophisticated F-22 fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates amid deepening tensions between Iran and its pro-US neighbors, officials said Monday.

The US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, would not say how many F-22s would be sent to the Al-Dhafra air base in the United Arab Emirates. Military officers tend to avoid publicly discussing details of operations at the US air base.

An Air Force spokeswoman confirmed that a number of F-22 Raptors, the most advanced fighter in the US fleet, would be deployed to the region without mentioning the base or Iran.



'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' - April 27, 2012 


Reporting from Jerusalem: Conversation with Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Leader Lieutenant-General Gantz ...Israel’s Memorial Day, followed by Independence Day celebration … Leaders statement this week in and around Israel speak volumes … Psalm 83 – A comprehensive study on a prophecy in process ... Lost decade in Iraq and Afghanistan




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Zechariah 12:3,9: 
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

Update and Commentary 


"Koenig's Eye View from the White House" 
click here for subscription information

"Eye to Eye - Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel" 
click here for book information and/or to purchase

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'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – April 27, 2012: Reporting from Jerusalem: Conversation with Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Leader Lieutenant-General Gantz … Psalm 83: A comprehensive study on a prophecy In process 

'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – April 20, 2012: How China and Middle Eastern oil powers collapsed the US stock market and major US investment banks in September 2008 

"Eye to Eye - Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel' Updated Events 

Timeline 2011 to 2019: Events 
on the Calendar

'Eye to Eye' has been hand-delivered 
with comments to over 100 Obama 
Administration officials; political, 
media and Christian leaders

Koenig International News Testimonials 

'News Alerts' by email - 
Bill Koenig

"Koenig's Eye View from the 
White House" sample issue

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Featured News 

Israel to acquire more Iron 
Dome batteries next year

Olympic's Web Site: Jerusalem 
Capital of 'Palestine'

Israel's Civil Administration orders 
Palestinians to uproot 1,000 young 
olive trees in nature reserve

Israel begins building 
wall on Lebanon border

Iran: US stealth fighter 
deployment to UAE harmful

New poll shows majority of U.S. 
Jews support Obama's policy 
toward Israel

Israel says inclusion 
on UN list 'absurd'

World wants settlers to go - 
West feels relocating 300,000 
Israelis could solve major 
Mideastern headache

'August-September elections highly likely'
Latest News 

A year after bin Laden raid, 
Pakistan still harbors US' 
biggest enemies

Twenty-three killed in Syria 
violence activists say

Calls for Euro 2012 boycott 
increase in Germany

103 bodies pulled from river 
after ferry capsizes in northeast 
India; at least 100 missing

On a Tightrope, President 
Prods China on Rights

British Panel Finds Murdoch 
Unfit to Lead Media Empire

US Homeownership falls to 
lowest rate in 15 years

Churches no longer a sanctuary 
from crime as burglaries rise

1 year after Usama bin Laden 
raid, no answers from Pakistan 
on tough US questions

Banks Get White Powder 
Envelopes, but Tests Show 
They're Non-Toxic

Stocks Finish Worst Month 
of the Year

U.S. 'dirty oil' imports 
set to triple

Residents flee Pakistan 
Karachi 'war zone'

U.S. eyes testy China talks, 
Chen backer expects Chinese 

Over 170 Syrian Rebels 
Give Up Armed Struggle

China Launches Two Navigation 
Satellites into Orbit

Tycoon's Titanic II will make 
maiden voyage from UK to NY
White House News 

Obama Economy Driving 
Youth Vote to Romney

Romney Aides: Obama Is Missing 
a Message

Obama talks bin Laden in rare 
situation room interview
Israel News 


Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither
slumber nor sleep. - Psalms 121:4 (KJV) 

Israeli poor desert towns 
urge rich regional councils 
to share the wealth

Tzipi Livni resigns from 

Benzion Netanyahu, father 
of Prime Minister Benjamin 
Netanyahu, dies at 102

'Israel is a startup paradise' - 
Special interview: Minister of 
Science and Technology talks 
about Israel's vast potential

Molotov cocktails thrown at 
homes of African refugees 
in south Tel Aviv

Outposts 2012: Coming to a 
West Bank Hill Near You
Provocative Commentary 

Unmired at last - America’s 
recovery is neither robust 
nor dramatic. But it is real - 

In Syria, America Allies with 
the Muslim Brotherhood - 
John Rosenthal

Wanted: A competent commander 
in chief: Obama's leadership is 
resulting in a degraded military - 
Frank J. Gaffney Jr.

The War is Over? - 
Cal Thomas

Sitting Out Obama - 
Victor Davis Hanson

Early Israeli elections? What 
it would mean for US, Iran - 
Joshua Mitnick

Has the Taliban fallen on 
tough times? - Sohel Uddin

Public-Employee Unions Gone 
Wild - Patrick Brennan

Sinai is unhinged; Egypt is 
worsening; Syria is unstable, 
and oh yes, there's Iran too

While Syria Burns - 
Charles Krauthammer

Obama knows best - 
Suzanne Fields 

Muslim, Zionist and proud - 
Kasim Hafeez writes about 
love for Israel, Jewish people

BLITZER'S BLOG: Outrage – U.S. 
congressman not allowed into 

So, Is Mexican Immigration 
Over? - Mark Krikorian

Losing the jihadists' war on 
America: lslamist propaganda is 
slowly blinding us to the enemy 
within - Frank J. Gaffney Jr. 

'Jews Make Money' - Rachel Guo, 
Chinese creator of YouTube series 
on China asks her countrymen what 
they think of Jews - Liron Nagler-Cohen

Confront the bashers of Israel - 
David Ha'ivri

Keep the First Amendment - 
'No' to the People's Right's 
Amendment - NRO
Inspired by God 


Christian News

"The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on their knees. He who fritters away the early morning, its opportunity and freshness, in other pursuits than seeking God will make poor headway seeking Him the rest of the day. If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day." - E. M. Bounds 

May 1: Faith---Not Emotion - 
Oswald Chambers

May 1: The Church: What Is 
It All About? - Charles Stanley

May 1: What Cannot Be Uttered - 
Streams in the Desert

A.W. Tozer's Daily Devotional 

Charles Spurgeon's 'Morning and 
Evening' Daily Devotional

Daily Light 'Morning and Evening' 
Devotional - Jonathan Bagster

Charles Stanley's Audio Messages 

McLean Bible's Internet Services - 
Pastor Lon Solomon: Services are 
"live" Sunday' at 9 am, 10:45 am, & 
12:30 pm (Eastern-US), rebroadcast 
Monday at 2 pm (Eastern-US)

Pastor Lon Solomon, McLean Bible
Church, McLean, Virginia - 
Sermons by Date, Series and Podcasts

Eye to Eye


Watch the 90-second 'Eye to Eye' video by clicking on the photo.

For book information and/or to order click here

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