
Friday, June 8, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST: Friday June 08, 2012 Sivan 18, 5772

TD Jakes
(Photo: T.D. Jakes Ministries)

Bishop TD Jakes to Celebrate 35th Anniversary at Star-Studded Gala

By Katherine T. Phan

A black-tie gala featuring a surprise star-studded guest list will be held Friday night to celebrate Bishop T.D. Jakes' 35th anniversary of ministry service. The event titled "Triumphant Journey" will be held at the AT&T Winspear Opera House in Dallas, Texas.

Santorum to Mobilize 1M Conservative Voters for November Elections

By Paul Stanley

Former GOP presidential front-runner and U.S. Senator Rick Santorum today announced the formation of a new organization whose objective is to mobilize one million social conservatives for the 2012 general election in November.



Rand Paul Endorses Romney; Tea Party, Ron Paul Support to Follow?

By Ethan Cole

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul's son, endorsed Mitt Romney for president late Thursday night, just a day after his father admitted that he could not be the GOP nominee given his delegate count.

Officials at a Christian school in Cincinnati, Ohio, are at the center of controversy this week after they allegedly offered a teaching position to a local man then changed their minds after learning that he is gay.

A New Mexico court has upheld a ruling that it is illegal for a Christian couple to refuse their services to same-sex couples because of their faith, as it would be discriminating against a person's sexual orientation. Attorneys in the case have vowed to challenge the ruling.

When it comes to the debate on hell, Kevin Miller sees nothing short of an ugly battle where Christians tend to dehumanize those who disagree with their views and show little humility.

In a case brought to court by an 83-year-old widow, a NYC judge has ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional as the federal law denies benefits to partners in same-sex marriages. This is the fifth such decision against DOMA, meant to protect traditional marriage, since it was enacted in 1996.

Church & Ministries

Dr. Te-Li Lau

Theologian: Christians Should Ground Themselves in Scripture, Not Fads

By Napp Nazworth

Christians need to recognize the primacy of Scripture in their lives and not be drawn to fads, a theologian told CP at the Pastorum Live conference this week.

The Crystal Cathedral Ministries congregation will be moving to a new location next summer, it was announced on Thursday, with the ministry's leader calling the move a "significant step" in their revival.

Mars Hill Bible Church is in search for a new full-time preacher to replace Teaching Pastor Shane Hipps, who recently announced his decision to leave the megachurch.

Creflo Dollar, Megachurch Pastor, Arrested for Battery Charges

Creflo Dollar Jr., founder and senior pastor of ...

Why Go to Church When You Can Watch Online?

With more churches offering worship services and ...

Minn. Student Barred From Wearing Rosary in Support of Ill Grandmother

A 15-year-old Minnesota high school student has been told by school district officials to remove the rosary beads he wears in support of his cancer-stricken grandmother, saying the religious item could be mistaken as a symbol of ...

Christian Boxing Champion on Being Single Mother, Working Three Jobs

Tori "Sho Nuff" Nelson, like many single mothers, ...

Black Pastor Resigns From NAACP Over Same-Sex Marriage

The NAACP's recent announcement supporting ...

Boy Scouts Set to Review Policy Banning Homosexual Leaders

The Boy Scouts of America has announced that it ...

Pro-Life Advocates Release More Undercover Video Alleging Gendercide in US

The pro-life Live Action group continued its campaign against sex-selective abortions performed in U.S. abortion clinics by releasing a third undercover video Wednesday showing staffers in Arizona suggesting that a woman should ...

Groupon Boycott a Success, Says Anti-Porn Group

The deal-of-the-day website Groupon has decided ...

Only Half of Gays in UK See Marriage as 'Personally Important'

A poll conducted in England seeking to see where the homosexual community stands on the government's proposal to change alter the law on marriage to include same-sex couples, reveals that only half of gays and lesbians view ...


Manny Pacquiao

Manny Pacquiao Praying for Jailed Floyd Mayweather; Says He's a 'Brother' Not an 'Enemy'

By Christine Thomasos

Manny Pacquiao, 33-year-old pugilist and Filipino congressman may not be best of friends with rival world champion boxer Floyd Mayweather, but the Christian political figure said he is praying for the flamboyant fighter who is currently incarcerated.

Seattle-based Mars Hill Church has taken its eclectic brand of worship music, led by a variety of band singers and musicians serving at its 14 locations, and formed its own recording label, the megachurch announced earlier this week.

Movie director Ridley Scott revealed that he is planning a movie based on the biblical account of Moses, and shared that he is skeptical of religion, calling it "the biggest source of evil."


An empty classroom is seen in this undated file photo.

South Korean Creationists Removing Evolution References From Textbooks

By Stoyan Zaimov

Efforts to challenge and even remove the theory of evolution from the public school system in South Korea have been gaining ground after a petition last month seeking to make notable changes to textbooks in favor of creationism proved successful.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that U.N. monitors where shot at Thursday while trying to reach the village where another Syrian massacre took the lives of at least 78 villagers.

Violence in Nigeria has taken another 19 lives after members of the radical Islamist group Boko Haram engaged in a gunfight with government soldiers Tuesday evening in the cities of Kano and Maiduguri.

A Church of Scotland counseling center will celebrate its 50th anniversary this Friday with a special service in Glasgow.

Organized Crime Finds Fertile Ground Across Latin America

Gangs and drug trafficking groups are getting ...

Majority of Christians Hate Christian TV, Survey Finds

Chief Executive of, Pastor David ...

Uptick in Church Closures, Attacks in Indonesia

The number of violations of Christians' religious ...

Repentant Christian Thief Returns Money and Apologizes to Victims in Brazil

An unidentified thief, who stole from a house in ...

New Bible Translation Initiative Aimed at 'Most Marginalized People'

A Bible translation organization wants to help ...

Hosni Mubarak's Health Enters 'Dangerous Phase'

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is said ...

Tech & Biz

Official Image of the Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S3 Ban Opposed by Electronics Giant

By Vincent Funaro

Samsung issued a statement yesterday stating that it plans to fight a recent patent infringement claim that was filed by Apple earlier this week.

A new survey suggests that Facebook users may actually be getting bored with the social networking site after a botched IPO and those new sentiments have investors worried.

The deal-of-the-day website Groupon has decided to discontinue its business association with a California-based torture porn group.

LinkedIn, the professional networking site, is currently investigating a rumor that a hacker has accessed company information and leaked over 6.5 million users' passwords.

The Five Myths About Small Groups

By Thom S. Rainer

Discipleship is a hot topic within the local church right now. Discipleship manifests itself in the local church most often through small groups. But they often struggle to be successful and transformational because of wrong expectations, beliefs, or myths about how they work best.


Can Deliberate Sin Negate Your Conversion Experience?

By Dan Delzell


Every Christian hits rough spots at times where a particular sin just seems to get the upper hand for awhile. It might be a grudge....or impure thoughts....or jealousy....or whatever. By God's grace, believers somehow manage to bounce back and get beyond these spiritual setbacks. But what about the professing believer who never bounces back?


'Fetus Testing' and the Relentless Quest for the New Human

By Wallace Henley


"Scientists could soon be able to routinely screen unborn babies for thousands of genetic conditions, raising concern the breakthrough could lead to more abortions," said a June 6 headline in The Telegraph, a British newspaper.


Cinema in Focus: Men in Black III - 2 Stars

By Denny Wayman

men in black

It has been ten years since the last Men in Black film came out in 2002. Following up on the first film in 1997, the second film was a disappointment as its sarcasm left us unimpressed. So it is understandable that the franchise waited for a decade before attempting another film based on the creation of Lowell Cunningham.


Southern Baptists and Salvation: It's Time to Talk

By R. Albert Mohler, Jr.


A recent statement on the doctrine of salvation has received a good bit of attention in recent days. It is no small matter that Southern Baptists are discussing how best to speak of God's salvation, even as we are fully engaged in the task of reaching the nations with the Gospel of Christ.


No Such Thing as Ex-Gay

By Eric Metaxas

new york gay marriage

Should Christians try to help homosexuals who want to change their sexual orientation? Why is that even a question?


Two Things to Keep in Mind When Evangelicals Turn Catholic

By Kevin DeYoung

Catholic Church

I want to remind of us two points that we can easily forget when a somewhat high profile evangelical converts (or seems about to convert) to Rome. Let's remember that the traffic across the Tiber is not one way, not by a long shot.


Can Christians Use Birth Control?

By R. Albert Mohler, Jr.


The effective separation of sex from procreation may be one of the most important defining marks of our age–and one of the most ominous. This awareness is spreading among American evangelicals, and it threatens to set loose a firestorm.


A Christian Doctor’s Views On Energy Work: Is it Dangerous?

By Rita Hancock MD

energy light

Because I'm a pain management physician, patients sometimes ask me about non-medicinal alternatives to pain control. Here's my short answer to patients who ask about energy work: I think energy work is dangerous if people try to do it. On the other hand, if God decides to heal people somehow through energy, that's up to Him.


Snake-Handling Christians: Faith, Prophecy and Obedience

By Nicola Menzie

snake handling file photo

The recent death of a Christian minister from West Virginia who believed that the Bible instructs the faithful to handle snakes and drink poison has put into question a doctrine many believe is unbiblical and dangerous but that its adherents, biblical literalists, say they are compelled to obey.


Planned Parenthood: Using Our Money to Oppose Our Freedom

By Doug H. Napier

Planned Parenthood

On June 12, North Dakotans will have the opportunity to freely decide the fate of that state's Religious Liberty Freedom Amendment…unless, of course, Planned Parenthood dumps another half a million dollars into state coffers from places as distant as California and New York, to confuse voters in what will or won't be the status of religious liberty in North Dakota.


Extraordinary Claims, Extraordinary Evidence, and Belief in God

By Robin Schumacher

When it comes to belief in God, is extraordinary evidence truly needed? If it is, does such a thing exist for God? Lastly, if such a standard is necessary, then does it also apply to the atheist worldview if it makes extraordinary claims?


Getting Off the Treadmill of Guilt

By Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer

Guilt is a dangerous emotion because it can shut us down spiritually if we let it. We make mistakes and then start wondering where we stand in our relationship with God.


Parenting and Setting Boundaries: The 2 'Rs' Kids Need to Understand

By June Hunt

June Hunt

Parenting is demanding work. Those who raise children are required to wear many hats (CEO and janitor, nutritionist and nurse, counselor and cook, plumber and many others). So, how can parents guide their children into successful adulthood? One of the essential requirements is learning how to establish healthy boundaries.


America's Moral Schizophrenia

By Ken Connor


We find ourselves living in a society where our elected officials see nothing strange about using the power of government to impose a morality of nutrition while shying away from using that power to protect the lives of innocent unborn children.


Is It Sin for Me Not to Like the Doctrine of Election?

By John Piper

John Piper

It's sin not to like the true doctrine of election. It's sin not to like what God likes. I want to say it like that because many people have conceptions of doctrines—all kinds of doctrines—that are inaccurate.


Five Secrets Pastors Refuse to Tell

By Thom S. Rainer

Thom Rainer

By their very nature, pastors are a confidential lot. But most people don't realize pastors have their own secrets. These spiritual leaders refuse to share their thoughts or pains for fear that their own ministries will be damaged. So they keep the secrets.


Hugging Homosexuals: An Evangelical Epidemic

By Ken Hutcherson and James Hansen

Va. Tech

Maybe you're suffering with this disorder. From what we've been reading and hearing, a number of Christians are showing these symptoms across the country. Case in point, The Christian Post recently ran a three part series of articles suggesting ways in which the Evangelical community should love homosexual couples who come into the church. What we would like to know, though, is why all the preferential treatment?


Thoughts on Homosexual Comic Book Characters

By Jim Daly

jim daly

There was a time when comic book themes, however fantastical, were still pretty much tame and moral fare. They tended to champion good vs. evil. But now that both comic book lines have committed to plowing this new ground regarding homosexuality, what's a parent of a teenager (both the Marvel and DC series in question have an age-15-and-up rating) who reads the comics to do?


Inside Church Planting: From Church Plant to Megachurch Plant (Part 5)

By Jeff Schapiro

Mars Hill West Seattle

While some church planters struggle to get their ministries up and running, others have seen their church plants grow from nothing more than a vision to megachurches that are attended by thousands of people every weekend.


The Seduction of Pornography and the Integrity of Christian Marriage, Part 2

By R. Albert Mohler, Jr.


Marriage is not merely the arena for sexual activity, it is presented in Scripture as the divinely-designed arena for the display of God's glory on earth as a man and a wife come together in a one-flesh relationship within the marriage covenant.


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