
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST: Wednesday June 27, 2012 Tammuz 7, 5772

Soldiers of the Army National Guard 162 Engineer Company attached with 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion of U.S. Marine Corps stay next to a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) armored vehicle in Afghanistan, March 6, 2010.
(Photo: REUTERS/Shamil Zhumatov)

Requests Spike for 'BibleSticks' Providing Spiritual Support to Army Experience

By Stoyan Zaimov

A Christian software developer that creates "BibleStick" pocket-sized digital audio devices that can play the entire New Testament is reporting that requests for its product have spiked higher than ever before as the July 4 holiday approaches.

Coptic Solidarity Hosts Policy Talks on Egypt, Middle East Extremism

By Alex Murashko

An international Coptic religious rights group will host a conference focused on U.S. foreign policy in response to the rise of extremism in the Middle East. The group says its event is of added significance in light of the recent election results in Egypt.


climate change

Evangelicals and Climate Change: Global Warming Skeptics (Pt. 3)

By Napp Nazworth

Global warming skeptics argue that while global warming activists say that reducing carbon dioxide emissions is necessary to protect the poor and vulnerable, the science is so iffy and the cost of control so high that money would be better spent on direct aid to the poor.

A candidate for a position on the Kansas State Board of Education is seeking the complete removal of the Theory of Evolution from public schools. Jack Wu is a native of California who moved to Topeka after joining the infamous Westboro Baptist Church.

Benny and Suzanne Hinn have confirmed more details about their upcoming remarriage, including date, place, and who will oversee the ceremony. Jack Hayford, a Pentecostal minister, will oversee the ceremony.

A new poll of Independent voters in Michigan shows that four in 10 are less likely to vote for President Obama since he announced his support for same-sex marriage last month.

Church & Ministries


Episcopal and Presbyterian Churches to Grapple With Same-Sex Marriage, Gay Ordination

By Stoyan Zaimov

Two Protestant denominations, The Episcopal Church and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), will be debating gay marriage issues in the upcoming week, and any decisions made may have far-reaching consequences.

Theologian Peter Enns believes that some – mostly young, evangelical Christians today – want to rethink what it means to be evangelical but the movement's leaders are resistant to talking about the issues for fear of repercussions.

Three years after stepping down as senior pastor of Without Walls International Church, Randy White returned last week to help restore and rebuild the Tampa, Fla., church.

The Reformed Church in America has opted to appoint a "new committee" to recommend a set of plans to deal with certain issues pertaining to the denomination's position on homosexuality.

People who end up in hell do not repent, from what the Bible tells us, said respected New Testament scholar Don Arthur (D.A.) Carson on Sunday at The Gospel Coalition National Women's Conference in Orlando.

You can be saved and yet have an inadequate understanding of God until you see glimpses of His vision, said Pastor John Piper. He used the late Chuck Colson as an example to make his point.

More News

Chinese Woman Seeks Justice After Officials Force Abortion at 9 Months, Remove Uterus

Encouraged by the public outcry over the recent forced abortion of a 7-month pregnant woman in China, another woman has come out to share her horror story. Zhang Wen Fang was 9 months pregnant when she was forced to have an abortion.

Poll: Mormons Don't Trust the Media to Cover Them Fairly

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Lesbian Priest Recalled by Sudan Diocese to Speak at The Falls Church

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Pro-Marriage Advocate Reverses Position; Now Supports Gay Marriage

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Loch Ness Monster's Existence Being Taught at Christian Schools?

Textbooks that are being used by some Christian ...

Montana City Delays Community Center Contract Over Church-State Concerns

A Montana city has delayed a decision regarding a contract between it and a local nonprofit because of church-state concerns brought up by a local activist.

Sandusky's Pastor Says Christians Must Show Moral Strength

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Anti-Trafficking Groups Raising Awareness Ahead of London Summer Games

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US Supreme Court Declines Review of Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial Cross Case

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Gay Rights Icon Larry Brinkin Arrested on Child Pornography Charges

Gay rights activist Larry Brinkin, famous for being the first person to use the phrase "domestic partner" in a lawsuit, was arrested late last week in San Francisco for allegedly possessing child pornography.



Oprah Interviews Kim Kardashian About Church Attendance, Inaccurate Public Image

By Christine Thomasos

Kim Kardashian insists that her actual personality is nothing like the public perception of her and is using her church attendance and lack of alcohol intake to serve as examples.

A love letter from Pat Tillman, who left a promising career with the NFL to join the army, has been revealed by his wife Marie in a new book.

Kevin Durant, the Oklahoma City Thunder's Christian forward, may have cried after an emotional NBA Finals loss to the Miami Heat on Thursday night, but the league's leading shooter has expressed nothing but gratitude for the opportunity to compete.


Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate competing against Ahmed Shafiq in a runoff election to become Egypt's first elected president in 60 years, has allegedly said that the Coptic Christian population should

Coptic Church Head in UK Speaks of Hope for Egypt in Wake of Morsi's Election Win

By Christian Today

The head of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the U.K. has spoken of his hope for positive reform in Egypt after the election of Mohammed Morsi as president.

Scotland's Parliament has rejected a plea that would have expedited a law criminalizing prostitution and any other method of paid-for sex. Opponents of the measure insist making such practices illegal would only push sex trafficking underground.

Brazilian protesters have come out in force at Rio+20 – the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, to demand that Iran release Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani.

A national census has revealed that while most Australians profess Christianity as a belief, the religion as a whole in the country has been on a steady decline, while the number adherents of Eastern faiths like Buddhism and Hinduism has grown.

Tech & Biz

Official Image of the Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S3, the World's First Quad-Core LTE Smartphone

By Vincent Funaro

The Samsung Galaxy S3 has launched in many countries throughout the world.

A press photo and official specifications for the upcoming Google Nexus 7 tablet leaked this week.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 release event in the United States took place recently and it has gotten thousands of Galaxy fans excited about the pioneering smartphone. The launch event focused on many of the features Samsung has implemented that no other smartphone yet has, in efforts to win over new portions of the mobile phone market share.

Microsoft plans to launch its Windows 8-powered Surface tablet in the near future as answer to Apple's extremely successful iPad.

When Mature Believers Disagree on Secondary Doctrines

By Dan Delzell

While all born again people agree on the Gospel....and the doctrine of the Trinity....and the doctrine of Christ's two natures....we are not in full agreement on many secondary doctrines. This isn't necessarily a problem in and of itself. Unfortunately, we sometimes take it a step further and attempt to push our "pet doctrines" upon one another.


The Bigfoot of the Bible (aka 'The Sinner's Prayer')

By Greg Stier

praying hands

The Sinner's Prayer is the Bigfoot of the Bible, talked about a lot, but nowhere to be found. This yakking Yeti doesn't even leave a fake footprint. Saying a prayer is not believing in Christ, believing in Christ is believing in Christ.


Lethal Foresight: Deciding Who Gets to Be Born

By Eric Metaxas

most popular baby boy names

Expecting parents may soon be able to find out the complete genetic makeup of their baby in utero. But should they?


Fred Luter: The Extraordinary Man Behind the Office

By Dr. Richard D. Land

Richard Land

Is he the Convention's first African-American president and thus a historic figure? Yes. But he is also a great Christian, pastor, preacher, husband, father, and friend that I have had the privilege of knowing for more than two decades.


Preach the Gospel, and Since It's Necessary, Use Words

By Ed Stetzer

ed stetzer

There's a popular saying often repeated by Christians. It has found new life on Facebook and Twitter. Maybe you have even uttered these words, commonly at tributed to Francis of Assisi: "Preach the gospel. Use words if necessary." There are two basic problems with this quote.


Lessons From the Streets of Haiti

By Paul Mator

Haiti orphans

As a writer, my job is to show my organization's American Christian donors how their money is turning the third world into a better world. There's no question their generosity has impacted lives. But what struck me during my recent trip to Haiti was how the reality has fallen short of expectations.


Toward Denominational Unity

By Kevin DeYoung


If there is one biblical theme we've heard a lot of in the RCA (Reformed Church in America) for the past 15 years it's the theme of unity. So what events would have to take place and what problems would have to be addressed for the RCA to experience genuine, vibrant, Christ-pleasing, Spirit-filled, God-glorifying unity?


Why We Must Celebrate Grace

By Paul Tripp

Paul tripp

We must keep in view that we are not just instruments but also recipients of daily grace and will never outgrow our need of what grace alone is able to provide. We must remind ourselves that because of that grace, obedience is a privilege, worship is a privilege, sacrifice is a privilege, and ministry is a privilege.


Will America See Another Great Awakening?

By Duke Taber

It is my realization, and now the realization of the people who attend my church, the we also have lost the grace and mercy of God in our nation, communities and our families. I believe that this is the reason we do not see people being saved very often, healing happen, and very few signs and wonders.


Remedy for Restlessness, Part 2

By Eric Metaxas

Eric Metaxas

God's response to suffering and the doubt it produces did not consist of words and finely-crafted arguments but of a person, Jesus Christ. While Buddhism, for example, offers insight into the nature of suffering and its origins, Christianity offers a God who lived and died as one of us and then rose from the dead.


Subsidizing Abortion in Connecticut

By Ken Connor

Spain Abortion Rally

One would think that "open-minded" Connecticut liberals would appreciate and respect the personal beliefs of their fellow citizens when it comes to the highly controversial issue of abortion, but this is clearly not the case.


The Apocalyptic Life in Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

By Marc Newman

You wake up one morning and discover that the only safeguard standing between you and impending death has been obliterated. Death is coming. It is relentless and swift. You have three weeks remaining. Suddenly, years lose their meaning. Every second counts. How will you spend them?


Entertainment Bibles

By Christian Post Guest Voices


But if I have any real objection, it is less with The Voice itself and more with the entire category of what I call “entertainment Bibles,” every one of which was supposed to rock our Christian world.


Inside Egypt: As World Awaits Presidential Election Results, Christians Urged 'Don't Leave!'

By Brian C Stiller

Egypt Elections

Over the last few days, I've been talking to Christian leaders here in Cairo, and asking them who would make the best president: Mohammed Morsi, the candidate from the Muslim Brotherhood, or Mubarak-era Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq.


America Was Birthed in Prayer

By Karen Gushta


But William H. Jeynes, professor of education at California State University, Long Beach, says the root of the problems these young people now face is not primarily economic. Instead, Dr. Jeynes says today's problems began 50 years ago this month when the Supreme Court banned prayer in public schools.


Putting God First in Your Priorities

By Joyce Meyer

Together for the Gospel

There are so many things that clamor for our attention and devotion: our jobs, our kids, our spouses, our hobbies—the demands and distractions of life. And we have to be careful not to let them become more important or more of a priority than our relationship with God.


You Cannot Be Spiritual Without Being Religious

By Kevin DeYoung

Sudan Independence

No matter how much you like angels, or how much you pray, or how often you mediate, or how much you are into yoga, or how much you believe in miracles, if you do not understand, cherish, and embrace the cross you are not a spiritual person.


How to Conquer Your Fears

By June Hunt

June Hunt

The history of predicted and expected "last day" dates is nearly as lengthy as modern history itself. Mostly recently, the world was predicted to end on May 2011. Why are so many gripped with dread over apocalyptic predictions? This is most likely because of our basic, human tendency to fear the unknown.


Welcome to the Resistance

By Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

So you are now a born again believer in Jesus….and you wonder what is coming down the pike for you in this new and exciting relationship with God.


Evangelicals and Climate Change: Global Warming Activists (Pt. 2)

By Napp Nazworth

Evangelical Leaders Declare 'New War Against Globa

For evangelicals who are global warming activists, convincing the Christian community to get engaged has been a process. For example, Richard Cizik, though he was cited in 2008 by Time Magazine as one of the top 100 most influential people in the world for his work as a 'green evangelical,' had a very tough time convincing his organization to back him at the time.


SIN: Treating the Symptoms and Not the Sickness.

By Matt Moore

This past week I was really sick, I mean really sick. Fever, headache, chills, you name it. For days I took pain relievers and the turmoil in my body would ease for a while.. but inevitably, the gut wrenching symptoms returned.


News Alert: We Know Who Wins the 2012 Election

By Ken Hutcherson and James Hansen

obama romney

As pollsters are gearing up for what looks to be an unforgettable political battle come this November, we have a hunch as to who is going to come out on top in this Presidential election. No, it's not Obama. And, no, it isn't Romney either. It's not even a write-in candidate.


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