
Monday, August 6, 2012

End Times ::END TIMES NEWS ALERTS :: 06 Aug 12

"Last Generation Forums" :: End Times ::END TIMES NEWS ALERTS :: 06 Aug 12
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  AuthorTopic: 06 Aug 12 (Read 1 time)
Michael James Stone
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 06 Aug 12
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06 Aug 12

Giant sinkhole in Assumption Parish, Louisiana prompts state of emergency declaration
For more than two months, officials from federal to local have been unable to pin down the source of a natural gas leak and tremors in assumption parish. But on Thursday a 200 by 200 foot "slurry area" has appeared in bayou corne in northern assumption parish... The formation of the slurry area was accompanied by a diesel-like odor that some residents said burned their eyes and noses but dissipated by midmorning Friday... Assumption parish officials declared an emergency and called for an evacuation of residents living near the nearly 1-acre muddy site. A potential failure of a cavern operated by Texas brine company may have caused the slurry area, or sinkhole, which swallowed full-grown trees and denuded a formerly forested patch of cypress swamp. 

US banks brace for possible eurozone collapse
According to the Financial Times, the banks plan to make some amendments to their credit contracts so they can be in line with London’s financial legislation, a step that they say will help them protect their investments in case of a potential collapse of the eurozone. 

Drought in the U.S. Taking Its Toll on Farmers, Global Food Market
Following a rainless July along with daily temperatures reaching 95 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, farmers in Iowa are now anticipating a harvest of just 70 to 80 bushels for every acre of corn field. This is a far cry from the previous average of 180 to 220 bushels an acre. They are hoping for rain to come this month, which is the most crucial time for soy bean pods to be filled. The crops really need moisture and rain otherwise the flowers will dry up. The midwest state of Iowa is considered as a "God-chosen" farming area, where additional government investment in irrigation is rarely required. Prior to the ongoing drought, the state had witnessed five consecutive years of favorable weather, and 24 straight years without drought. 

NASA rover 'Curiosity' lands on Mars after plummet .
In a show of technological wizardry, the robotic explorer Curiosity blazed through the pink skies of Mars, steering itself to a gentle landing inside a giant crater for the most ambitious dig yet into the red planet's past. 

Hurricane season 2012: Tropical Storm Ernesto approaching Honduras, expected to impact Yucatan
Tropical Storm Ernesto is expected to pass near Honduras later Monday and then take aim at the Yucatan Peninsula. Hurricane watches and Tropical storm warnings are in effect for portions of the region. 

Earthquake hits Scandinavian sea
Trine Dahl-Jensen, of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), said the tremor was "pretty strong" by Danish standards and such quakes happen "once or twice" in a decade. The epicentre was 12.4 miles south-east of the Danish island of Anholt in the Kattegat Sea. 

Saudi King Invites Ahmadinejad to ‘Extraordinary’ Islamic Solidarity Meeting in Mecca
The AFP is reporting that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has invited Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to an “extraordinary” Islamic solidarity meeting in Mecca in mid-August, with the intention of “unifying the ranks” of Muslims. ...Commenters are divided on the significance of the invitation. Some say it is expected, while others are uncomfortable about the prospect of Saudi Arabia being an open ally of Iran. “This is not good for Israel,” one AFP commenter wrote. 

In the genes? Seventh grader says bloodlines of 42 of 43 U.S. Presidents link back to King John of England
BridgeAnne d'Avignon traced the 43 presidents' male and female family lines and discovered that 42 are linked to King John Lackland, known for signing the Magna Carta in 1215, KCOY reported. "They all have the trait of wanting power," the 12-year-old told the local television station. 

Arizona man sent to jail for holding Bible studies in his home
A Phoenix pastor who was jailed for holding a Bible study group on his private property is now holding one behind bars. Michael Salman is serving a 60-day sentence in Maricopa County's notorious Tent City jail for allegedly violating his probation by holding religious services on his property in violation of zoning and building codes.

Violence erupts at anti-Islam protest in Sweden
Some 400 leftists try to attack anti-Islam demonstration in Stockholm with bottles, fireworks; 10 arrested News agencies Swedish activists clashed with police amid a hail of bottles and fireworks in downtown Stockholm on Saturday as they tried to break through a police line and attack an anti-Islam demonstration. 

Does audit show Federal Reserve Bank sitting on $21 billion in gold?
Now, according to the Times, the U.S. government has completed its audit – which included drilling holes in the bars to test their purity. The Treasury Department has refused to disclose any details of the audit, saying the results will be announced by the end of the year. 

We have to prepare for the coming European storm
Economic and political reality points to the restructuring or fragmentation of the eurozone. For Britain, either outcome means economic risk, coupled with political opportunity. How should we prepare?

After defeat of Senate cybersecurity bill, Obama weighs executive-order option
Senate Republicans recently blocked cybersecurity legislation, but the issue might not be dead after all. The White House hasn't ruled out issuing an executive order to strengthen the nation's defenses against cyber attacks if Congress refuses to act. ..."Moving forward, the President is determined to do absolutely everything we can to better protect our nation against today’s cyber threats and we will do that," Carney said. 

Underwater Volcano Found off West Iceland?
A mountain which the Icelandic Marine Research Institute (Hafró) discovered on the ocean floor west off the Snæfellsnes peninsula in West Iceland during an expedition earlier this summer may turn out to be a previously unknown volcano. 

‘The clock is ticking’: ‘Megathrust’ West coast earthquake could resemble Japan’s, studies say
Two separate geological studies suggest the earthquake hazard in the transboundary region of the Pacific Coast of North America — including southern British Columbia — is significantly greater than previously believed, with both teams of U.S. scientists urging heightened readiness for a future offshore “megathrust” event that could compare with the one that triggered Japan’s catastrophe last year. 

World On Alert For Massive Solar Storm
Power grids, communications and satellites could be knocked out by a massive solar storm in the next two years, scientists warn. 

'Everybody thinks Europe is a Christian continent'
EU institutions avoid God. But for some religious leaders in EU-aspirant countries, member states' Christian origins are still politicaly important. The morning call to prayer at the Blue Mosque in Istanbul means different things to different people. For Muslims, it is an invitation to muster spiritual energy for the working day. For some Western visitors it is a sign that they are on the edge of an exotic world. 

Israel's ambassador to U.S. accuses Iran behind Sinai attack
Israel's envoy to the United States on Monday blamed Iran for Sunday night's attack by Sinai militants against both Israel and Egypt, which left at least 15 Egyptian security personnel dead, the Israeli army on high alert, and thousands of Israelis in nearby communities in a night-long lockdown. 

Greece's new pledges will take epic battle to implement
Greece's latest fiscal and reform pledges may be enough to convince international lenders weary after years of broken promises to keep Athens hooked to a 130 billion euro lifeline, but the battle to implement it will be epic. 

Syrian prime minister sacked
Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab has been sacked just two months after his appointment, state television said on Monday. "Prime Minister Riad Hijab has been dismissed," the television reported. The director of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdel Rahman, told AFP in Beirut that Hijab had fled Syria. 

Syria TV 'hit by bomb attack' in Damascus
A bomb has exploded on the third floor of the Syrian state TV and radio building in the capital, Damascus, Syrian television reports. Three people were reported wounded and the explosion caused some damage but state TV continued broadcasting. Hours later, state TV reported that Prime Minister Riad Hijab had been fired. Appointed two months ago, he had been seen as a staunch loyalist. 

Sikhs express shock after shootings at Wisconsin temple
Sikhs living in the United States have expressed their shock and fear after a shooting at a temple in Wisconsin on Sunday which left seven people dead. Some community members could not believe what happened. Others said they had feared such attacks since 9/11.

European shares steady as investors await next steps in euro crisis
European shares retreated from four-month highs and the euro slipped from a one-month peak on Monday, with investors reluctant to extend the recent gains without more clarity on the next steps in Europe's three-year long debt crisis. 
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