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"Last Generation Forums" :: End Times ::END TIMES NEWS ALERTS :: 22 Aug 12

"Last Generation Forums" :: End Times ::END TIMES NEWS ALERTS :: 22 Aug 12
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  AuthorTopic: 22 Aug 12 (Read 1 time)
Michael James Stone
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 22 Aug 12
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22 Aug 12

Radical Islam Joins the DNC
Starting at the end of this month the Democratic National Convention will open with a focus on Islam. 20,000 Muslims are expected to attend according to the Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs (BIMA), the national Muslim American non-profit coordinating the two days of events they claim are non-political. The leaders of this event – Jibril Hough and Imam Siraj Wahhaj as advertised are no moderates. They are radicals. These individuals embrace Islamist supremacy and have demonstrated support for radical ideologies. 

Shas leader prays for God to thwart Iranian plans for death and destruction in Israel
Days after receiving briefing on nuclear threat from Netanyahu adviser, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef compares Iranian regime to biblical Haman, who sought to wipe out the Jews of Persia.

Cost of Israeli Iran attack: $41.4 billion
The BDI estimate includes the direct and indirect financial damage to the Israeli economy from an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. BDI costs the immediate cost to the Israeli economy from such an attack at $11.66 billion, plus $5.95 billion annually in lost gross domestic product for five years in the wake of the attack because of the collapse of businesses. 

From late-night arrests in the USSR to Soros-funded ‘progressive’ assaults on freedom in the U.S.
It is now that I again am worried about the future destiny of this exceptional country: Will the American Constitution survive Obama’s desperate attempts at chipping away its very foundation on which it was built by the Founding Fathers? Look at the list of those liberal, “progressive” organizations — there are hundreds of them! — all sponsored by that overnight billionaire, socialist mediocrity George Soros — all of them supporting Obama’s liberal, destructive socialist policies. 

Congress asks how Russian sub went undetected in Gulf of Mexico
A senior senator has sought details from the U.S. Navy and raised concerns that the Akula-class nuclear submarine could mark a new policy by the Kremlin to intervene in the Gulf. “This submarine activity reportedly occurred in June and July, simultaneously with incursions by Russian strategic bombers into restricted U.S. airspace,” Sen. John Cornyn, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said. 

Egyptian official calms fears over Sinai deployment
Israeli state officials expressed concerns over the fact that Egypt failed to notify Israel about the deployment of tanks in Sinai, but a member of Egypt's Higher Military Council on Monday said the move does not breach the peace treaty with Israel. The Egyptian official, who refused to be named, told al-Masry al-Youm newspaper that Egypt is committed to the peace treaty, but is determined to protect itself even at the cost of amending the treaty. 

Iran's supreme leader orders fresh terror attacks on West
Iran's Supreme Leader has ordered the country's Revolutionary Guards to intensify its campaign of terror attacks against the West and its allies in retaliation for supporting the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. According to Western intelligence officials, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei gave the order to the elite Quds Force unit following a recent emergency meeting of Iran's National Security Council in Tehran...

No peace or security until settlers leave Jerusalem, Abbas says
Jerusalem is a Muslim and Christian city, and there will be neither peace nor security until the Israeli occupation, settlements, and settlers leave the city, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Tuesday. Abbas made the remarks in a statement published in commemoration of the 43rd anniversary of the torching of Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque by Denis Michael Rohan, an Australian Christian, Israel Radio reported. 

Typhoon Tembin might make landfall Thursday
If the typhoon turns as forecast, its eye may make landfall on Taiwan's east coast Thursday, according to the weather bureau. As of 8 a.m., the eye of Tembin was located 620 kilometers southeast of Eluanbi, off the southernmost tip of Taiwan, moving at a speed of 8 km per hour in a northerly direction. Tembin, the 14th storm of the Pacific typhoon season, is packing winds of 119 kph, with gusts of up to 155 kph, and has a radius of 150 km, the bureau said. 

Is the US government helping cyber crooks? firm Kaspersky hinted that such a nightmare situation may have taken one step closer to reality. Kaspersky revealed that a sophisticated program had been used to record instant messaging and social networking logins and bank account information and passwords -- including targets such as Citibank and PayPal accounts -- on some 2,500 infected PCs. 

Top Iran official: If Israel attacks, it will bring about its own 'annihilation'
The comment, by former head of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Mohsen Rezaei, came after, last week, the head of the Revolutionary Guard's air force said that a possible Israeli airstrike against his country's nuclear facilities is "welcome" because it would give Iran a reason to retaliate and "get rid of" the Jewish state "forever." 

Lesbian who reported 'hate crime' attack staged incident, Nebraska police say
A Nebraska "hate crime" that targeted an openly gay woman and that triggered responses from candlelight vigils locally to Facebook postings of support nationwide was staged by the alleged victim, authorities said... 

Military Vet Detained For Psych Evaluation Over Anti-Government Facebook Posts
A former Marine involuntarily detained for psychiatric evaluation for posting strident anti-government messages on Facebook has received an outpouring of support from people who say authorities are trampling on his First Amendment rights. ...The big concern, Whitehead said, is that government officials are apparently monitoring citizens’ private Facebook pages and arresting people with whom they disagree. 

Hank Williams Jr. calls Obama a Muslim who ‘hates the U.S.’ at Iowa concert
Playing before a crowd of 8,500 at the Iowa State Fair on Friday night, Williams once again ripped the president, labeling him a Muslim who "hates the U.S.," the Des Moines Register reported. After playing his song “We Don’t Apologize For America,” Williams made his political views clear about Obama - who's actually Christian, but whose father practiced Islam. “We’ve got a Muslim president who hates farming, hates the military, hates the U.S. and we hate him,” he told the crowd, 

Barack Obama dismisses attacks on national security record from ‘birther-linked’ anti-leak group
Obama shrugged off attacks about his national security record yesterday from a group of former U.S. spies and commandos who have accused him of taking too much credit for the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. The Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund Inc, which says it is a non-partisan group, launched a media campaign accusing Obama of leaking information to “the enemy” and taking undue credit for the May 2011 operation in which U.S. Navy SEALs killed bin Laden. 

U.S. testing "talking" cars to avoid crashes, congestion
Michael Knight in the television series "Knight Rider" had one. Pixar made a movie about them. Now the U.S. government is testing a fleet of so-called "talking" cars that may help American drivers avoid crashes and traffic jams. Over the next year, U.S. officials and the University of Michigan will fit nearly 3,000 cars, trucks and buses with wireless devices that track other vehicles' speed and location, alert drivers to congestion or change a traffic light to green. 

Iran begins construction of $300 million anti-aircraft missile base
Amid increasing talk of a possible Israeli strike on its nuclear facilities, Iran has begun construction of a new, state-of-the-art, anti-aircraft missile base. The new base, located near the city of Abadeh, in southern Iran, will cost $300 million, be home to 6,000 personnel, and host seven battalions, Iran’s Fars news agency reported Tuesday. 

IMF chief in Egypt for talks on emergency loan
The head of the International Monetary Fund is in Egypt to discuss an urgently-needed financial aid package for the country's struggling economy. Christine Lagarde will meet President Mohammed Mursi and his new cabinet. Finance Minister Mumtaz al-Said has said Egypt will be looking for a loan of $4.8bn (£3bn), up from the $3.2bn that had been mooted since last year. 

US corn, soy prices hit records as drought lingers
US corn and soybean prices closed at new record highs Tuesday as a new survey showed worse-than-expected crop damage from a brutal drought across the country's central breadbasket. The price of corn jumped 1.7 percent to $8.3875 a bushel, while soybeans finished at $17.3025 a bushel, up 2.8 percent from Tuesday. 

Egypt deployment of armor in Sinai worries Israel
Israel is concerned about the deployment of Egyptian armor in a push against militants in the neighboring Sinai desert, saying the vehicles' entry wasn't coordinated and is in violation of a 1979 peace treaty, an Israeli official said 

Report: RBS probed by US on Iran sanctions
U.S. officials are investigating possible violations of sanctions against Iran by Royal Bank of Scotland, Britain's Financial Times reported Wednesday.. The part-nationalized bank declined to comment except to repeat previous disclosures that it is in contact with U.S. and British authorities "to discuss its historical compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including U.S. economic sanctions regulations." 

Court: Texas can cut off Planned Parenthood funds
Texas officials are vowing to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood after a federal court sided with the state in a challenge over a new law that bans clinics affiliated with abortion providers from getting money through a health program for low-income women. 

Syria envoy says Assad resignation is up for discussion
Syria's deputy prime minister has said the government is prepared to discuss the exit of Bashar al-Assad, but that the president's resignation cannot be a pre-condition for talks. Speaking on a visit to Moscow, Qadri Jamil also said the West "is looking for a pretext to intervene militarily".

Deadly fighting over Syria grips north Lebanon
Seven people have been killed and more than 70 wounded after fighting in northern Lebanon between two Muslim communities divided over Syria. Street battles between Sunnis and Alawites in the city of Tripoli continued for a second night running. 

Greece needs more time for cuts, says PM Samaras
Greece's Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, has called for more time to implement tough spending cuts and reforms, ahead of talks on its bailout. Mr Samaras told German daily Bild that Greece needed "breathing space". 
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