
Monday, August 6, 2012

Last Generation Network News: "Headlines" Monday August 6, 2012 Av 18 5772

Koenig's International News
Washington: 8:02:31 am - August 6, 2012 - Jerusalem: 3:02:31 pm - Av 18, 5772

Christian News

IDF says targets members of global Jihad terror group planning
attack against Israeli targets along Israel's border with Egypt.


IDF foils assault on southern border after 
terrorists kill 15 Egyptian soldiers 


Christian News

Hamas denies involvement in attack; Egypt’s Morsi promises response to ‘cowardly’ act; searches ongoing in Israel and Egypt for more gunmen


US follows Israel’s lead and issues 
Sinai travel warning, after Hamas frees terror chief 


Christian News

Israel and the US have issued Sinai travel warnings 
(photo credit: Nati Shohat/Flash90)

A day after Israel told all citizens to leave the Sinai immediately, the US issued a travel warning to Americans to “take precautions in travel to the Sinai.” It warned that “overland travel from Israel to the Sinai in particular is strongly discouraged.”

The warnings came amid reports that Hamas on Thursday freed a Salafi leader of an al-Qaeda affiliated terror group. His group is believed to have close ties with terror cells currently operating in the Sinai.

Israel reportedly believes the terrorist, Abu Walid Al-Maqdisi, who was set free after some 17 months on Thursday, was the mastermind of three bombings in Dahab in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula that killed more than 20 people in 2006 and fears his release could lead to more such attacks.


On Iran: 
Mission possible, and before it's too late 


Christian News

Israeli F-16 combat aircraft: 
Ready for action against Iran.
Photo credit: Ziv Koren

From an operational standpoint, it was mission impossible. The U.S. did not possess long-range bombers, and the ones it had couldn't land on aircraft carriers. There was no turning back. But on April 18, 1942, with determination, skill and a fighting spirit, Lt. Col. James Doolittle led his bombers out of the sky over Tokyo and shocked the Japanese to their core • It's time for an Israeli decision on Iran.


'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' - August 3, 2012 


American officials tell Israel they are overplaying hand with Iran ... Iran’s Supreme Leaders Ayatollah Khameini rapidly preparing for war ... Prince Bandar, the Saudi’s top security minister, unaccounted for ... Obama’s LGBT pride month and the final elimination of “don’t ask, don’t tell” was followed by record breaking heat, a record earthquake and a major $7 billion hurricane in 38 days in Washington and the Northeast U.S. in 2011 ... Is there a LGBT and major heat and drought records connection? ... Blair warns Obama about Islam ...




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Zechariah 12:3,9: 
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

Update and Commentary 


"Koenig's Eye View from the White House" 
click here for subscription information

"Eye to Eye - Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel" 
click here for book information and/or to purchase

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'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – August 3, 2012: American officials tell Israel they are overplaying hand with Iran ... Iran’s Supreme Leaders Ayatollah Khameini preparing for war within the next 12 weeks ... LGBT and major heat connection? 

'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – July 27, 2012: Putin’s world oil domination plan ... Unsettled Times in Israel ... Window closing on Israel’s decision on Iran ... 

'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – July 20, 2012: This week's impactful worldwide news … Israel rethinking its regional strategies ... Koenig: Worldwide economic collapse scenario in a few paragraphs 

"Eye to Eye - Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel' Updated Events 

Timeline 2011 to 2019: Events 
on the Calendar

'Eye to Eye' has been hand-delivered 
with comments to over 100 Obama 
Administration officials; political, 
media and Christian leaders

Koenig International News Testimonials 

'News Alerts' by email - 
Bill Koenig

"Koenig's Eye View from the 
White House" sample issue

'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' Subscription Information 

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White House" - Mail/Fax Form 

Featured News 

Jordan says Syrian Prime 
Minister has defected 
with family

TV: Blasts Hits Syrian 
TV and Radio Building

Iran TV airs confessions 
in murder of scientists

Gantz on terror attack: 15 
minutes from start to finish

Violence erupts at anti-Islam 
protest in Sweden

IAF thwarts terror attack 
at Egypt Border

Israel Bars 5 Foreign Ministers 
From Abbas Conference

Israel Upgrades Arrow 2 
Anti-Missile System

TA: 'Joint rally' brings 
thousands to streets
Latest News 

Iran Denies Syria Captives 
Are Revolutionary Guards

Turkey: Number of Syrian 
refugees reaches 50,000, 
cost remains unclear

Analysis: Euro Zone action 
inches forward in game 
of chicken

Ivory Coast violence: 
Abidjan army attack 
kills six

Fighting Assad in The 
Name of God

Saying Mali ‘Is Our Country,’ 
Militias Train to Oust Islamists

Lightning kills one, injures 
several after NASCAR race

China seizes 180M-worth 
of fake drugs, arrests 
2,000 suspects

Source: Wisconsin temple gunman 
was Army vet, possibly a white 

NASA's Rover Curiosity 
Lands on Mars

Arizona man sent to jail 
for holding Bible studies 
in his home

7 dead after shooting at Sikh 
Temple in Wisconsin

Neighbors vs. nature as Wildfires 
rage in Oklahoma, destroying 
120 homes

Mayor defends war memorial 
after group calls for removal 
of cross

Suicide bomber kills 25 in 
southern Yemen village

Phelps reaches the end - 
Greatest Olympian ever

Tropical storm Florence joins 
Ernesto in the Atlantic

West Nile Virus on the 
rise in the US, health 
officials say
White House News 

Rice, Haley, McCain to 
speak at GOP convention

Democratic committee apologizes 
to GOP donor Sheldon Adelson

Romney to Reid: 
Put up or shut up
Israel News 


Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither
slumber nor sleep. - Psalms 121:4 (KJV) 

Next "flytilla" to arrive 
through Jordan

4,000 March in 10th Annual 
Jerusalem Pride Parade

Netanyahu and Barak agree 
not to cut Defense budget

Israel signs 'open skies' 
agreement with EU
Provocative Commentary 

DNC adds marriage redefinition 
to platform - LaShawn Barber

The Hollow Republic - 
Yuvai Levin

Vidal, Buckley, and Anti-
Semitism - Jonathan Tobin 

Unemploy Obama - 
Irwin M. Stelzer

The Jobs Report Bad News - 
Larry Kudlow

President Obama: You’re no 
Bill Clinton - Cal Thomas

Obama's wedge issue - 
Caroline B. Glick 

Stakelbeck on Terror Show: 
The Coming Middle East War 
Interview of Bill Koenig and 
Bill Salus

The best pick for Romney vice 
president? The one no one's 
talking about - Jeremy D. Mayer 

Eat More Chicken - 
Cal Thomas

Evangelical leaders: US no 
longer a Christian nation - 
Mitchell Landsberg 

The Olympics' Burdensome 
Stone- Jan Markell (Link fixed)

Anderson Cooper crosses the 
line - Frank J. Gaffney Jr.

The Jewish problem 
for Barack Obama - 
Wesley Pruden 

Romney's Remarkable Speech
in Jerusalem - Daniel Pipes

My Take: This is Where God 
Was in Aurora - Rob Brendle

Avoiding Another Shutdown: 
Democrats are setting up 
Republicans for an autumn 
ambush - WSJ

The Muslim Brotherhood's 
American defenders - 
Caroline B. Glick 

Inspired by God 


Christian News

"The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on their knees. He who fritters away the early morning, its opportunity and freshness, in other pursuits than seeking God will make poor headway seeking Him the rest of the day. If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day." - E. M. Bounds 

August 6: Evidence of 
a Growing Believer - 
Charles Stanley

August 6: The Cross in 
Prayer - Oswald Chambers

August 6: Hidden Workers - 
Streams in the Desert

A.W. Tozer's Daily Devotional 

Charles Spurgeon's 'Morning and 
Evening' Daily Devotional

Daily Light 'Morning and Evening' 
Devotional - Jonathan Bagster

Charles Stanley's Audio Messages 

McLean Bible's Internet Services - 
Pastor Lon Solomon: Services are 
"live" Sunday' at 9 am, 10:45 am, & 
12:30 pm (Eastern-US), rebroadcast 
Monday at 2 pm (Eastern-US)

Pastor Lon Solomon, McLean Bible
Church, McLean, Virginia - 
Sermons by Date, Series and Podcasts

Eye to Eye


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