
Monday, August 13, 2012

Prophecy Watch :: PROPHECY ARTICLES :: The Haters of Reality - Mankind's Delusional Progr

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Michael James Stone
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 The Haters of Reality - Mankind's Delusional Progr
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The Haters of Reality - Mankind's Delusional Progression from Adam’s Fall to the Mark of the Beast

The current battle for the soul of America is raging as never before. We have seen in the last century a mad dash to push our country toward a secular liberal, godless fascist state in which the “elite class” rules over the masses. 

Our nation was founded on the bedrock of the Bible, Judeo/ Christian values and the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God; hence the conflict. 

These Constitutional apostates and haters of our Constitutional Republic have nearly arrived at their Machiavellian destination. As America apostatizes from the realities of Almighty God, the Bible, and moral absolutes, we are seeing - as never before - a dramatic transformation of our country into a populace of secular and unbelieving “apostatizing Christians.” We are reaping the devastating whirlwind of our day and are being transformed into the very beast that our Founding Fathers warned of: a tyrannical state of anarchy and chaos.

When Spiritual (Moral) Absolutes and Natural Laws are rejected for a delusional reality and a godless morality (which is actually immorality), the end is near. America today cannot survive under the weight of our godless decadence and licentious society. Even now we are at the imploding point. Modern conservatism is at "the Alamo." Anyone who is truly objective has to see that even a new conservative administration can never sustain the weight of the cultural junk heap and social devastation placed on America by the “Haters of Reality.” Sad to say, even Conservatives refuse to be objective about the realities of Almighty God and His Word. In a sense they are no different from today’s secularists. Both of these groups - though dramatically different - reject the Divine revelation of Almighty God found in His authoritative Word.

"America today cannot survive under the weight of our godless decadence and licentious society. Even now we are at the imploding point."

When the Rapture of the Church finally transpires, America will fracture into anarchy and discord. There is no doubt that because of today’s strong partisan stances and ideological differences in Washington D.C., following the removal of saved people from the earth, a second American civil war will arise. As the Tribulation begins (Matt. 24:10-12), America’s final demise will be its assimilation into the godless United States of Europe (Rev. 17:13,14). Near the end of the Great Tribulation, those remaining in the United States will go against Almighty God at the Battle of Armageddon (Psalm 2; Joel 3:2; Zech. 14:2; Rev. 16:13-16).

Liberalism and Relativism 

We may define Liberalism (or fallen human subjectivity) as the morally relativistic, pluralistic practice and application of partial absolutes and natural laws. It involves having a narcissistic view or subjective perspective which is dominated solely by one’s sensual feelings (i.e., controlled by the 5 physical senses) and fleshly (earthly) desires (Jer. 17:9, Rom. 5:12-19; 7:14-24). In such individuals, their emotional (sensual) feelings and desires override and dictate their perception of REALITY (grasp of concrete facts) and belief in absolutes and natural laws.

Such is the case that Liberals (i.e., adherents of Liberalism) allow their emotions and human senses to govern and determine their worldview or perspective of life. As a drunk driver is impaired by fermented drink, these also are rationally impaired by their faulty belief system, attempting to manage their life’s affairs with their delusional (make-believe) outlook. Like the impaired driver they are ignorant or indifferent to their true condition – in a drunken (irrational) stupor that resists reality and rational thinking. The end result and fruit of this irrational perspective of “alter-reality” is inevitable anarchy and devastation (Isaiah 57:20; Romans 1:25-32; Revelation 17:1-2).
"Like the impaired driver they are ignorant or indifferent to their true condition – in a drunken (irrational) stupor that resists reality and rational thinking. The end result and fruit of this irrational perspective of 'alter-reality' is inevitable anarchy and devastation."

That is why it is so hard to communicate reality and truth to the liberal or base mind. Their subjective, narcissistic, emotionally-governed, pluralistic mindset WILL NOT ALLOW them to face any reality (Psalm 53:1; Prov. 14:9; 17:12; 18:2). They are absolutely SCARED TO DEATH of reality and the accountability to it. Thus, they live a lie and practice a lie(2 Thess. 2:10-12; Rev. 21:8). These will do whatever it takes to preserve their “alter-reality,” even to the point of slandering, inducing malicious acts and - yes - even murdering all that oppose it (Rom. 1:32). Truth and reality torment their imaginary worldview and speak of a Day yet to come when all will give an account to Almighty God - the Righteous Judge of all. That is why these cannot have the teaching, practice and worship of Almighty God in the public square today. He (Almighty God) and His followers must be eliminated at all cost and in a Day soon to come they indeed shall be (Dan. 7:21; Rev. 13:7; 17:12-14). These violent tendencies and actions bear witness to their decadent practices and immoral, wicked lifestyles (Gal. 5:19-21; Rom. 3:10-18; Jude 1:10). In the end they will be held absolutely accountable to the Natural Laws and Spiritual Absolutes of Almighty God (Rom. 2:16; Rev. 20:11-15).

God’s word states:

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him NOT as God, NEITHER were thankful; but became VAIN in their imaginations, and their FOOLISH heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became FOOLS (Rom. 1:21-22).

And this is the condemnation, that light (reality) is come into the world, and men LOVED darkness (delusion) rather than light (reality), because their DEEDS WERE EVIL. For every one that doeth evil HATETH the light (reality), neither cometh to the light (reality), lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God (John 3:19-21).Where was this godless ideology was conceived? Let's take a look!

The Original Hater of Reality
Lucifer, God’s greatest of all God's creation (Ezek. 28:12, 15), in eternity past enjoyed a relationship to Almighty God. I truly believe there was a point in his existence that he adored and loved the Triune God with all his heart. He had the chief place as Protector of the Holiness of God (Ezek. 28:14) and was the worship and choir director of Heaven (Ezek. 28:13). Lucifer enjoyed all the heavenly blessings of his rank and position. As events proceeded, though, there came a time when he became proud, arrogant, envious and bitter. In his foolish heart he sought the place of his Eternal Creator and Sovereign for himself, and he led a delusional rebellion against Almighty God in which he and his followers were cast out (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezek. 28:15-18; Jude 1:6; Rev. 12:4). Lucifer could have remained in his highly honored position indefinitely, enjoying the eternal blessings and fellowship with His Creator. In his madness, however, Lucifer chose rather to abandon the confines of absolute reality and perfection for a vain existence in the darkness of make-believe and delusion. In his attempt to exalt and preserve himself at all cost, he rejected and abandoned all that was real, becoming a murderer of souls, a tyrant of humanity, a despot to the fallen angelic host and a mastermind of slander, false truths and darkness. He is known as the Prince of Darkness (error, delusion and vain imagination) for thus is his reality (Isaiah 14:17-17; John 8:44; Rev. 12:9).
"In his madness, however, Lucifer chose rather to abandon the confines of absolute reality and perfection for a vain existence in the darkness of make-believe and delusion."

In the end Lucifer will give complete account for his godless existence, in which he will be damned forever in the Lake of Fire. He will finally and ultimately have to face the reality of absolute truth for eternity in a place of torment prepared by Almighty God (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10).

Are You A Lover of Reality?
As we live in this current delusional day when lawlessness and anarchy are dominating almost all facets of American life, may Almighty God be your trust and provide for you all your expectations. Do you know Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior? If not, may you do so even today. He will provide you with the ABSOLUTE TRUTH (REALITY) and you will never be the same! (John 8:32,36)

Stay “spiritually tuned” for the completion of The Haters of Reality Part 2... as we look at Cain, Nimrod, the coming Anti Christ and their multitudes of followers!
The Haters of Reality - Part 2 - Link for Part 2
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Edited by BEL I.F.

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