
Thursday, August 9, 2012

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  AuthorTopic: Strongest Flesh! (Read 1 time)
Michael James Stone
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 Strongest Flesh!
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Strongest Flesh!

By Randal Stephens & Dad, Tom

You’ve seen it. A little boy and his mom in line at the grocery store; as they’re standing there, that little boy sees something he wants so he tugs on mom’s shirt or pants or whatever’s handy and asks for it, as nicely as a little boy can. Mom ignores him.

Johnny tugs again, more forcefully; mom says “wait a minute,” but Johnny really wants that gum or candy or whatever it is, so he won’t be ignored. And he won’t wait a minute.

Now it doesn’t happen all at once; mom points a finger, little Johnny crosses his arms and pretty soon the two are going back and forth, each reacting to the other, locked in a struggle of wills. 

And before you know it, the scene has deteriorated into chaos. Mom is flush with anger at her wailing little boy who is sitting on the floor, refusing to move. 

She pulls his arm, but he’s just doing that thing where he makes himself as heavy as possible. She pulls harder and he wails louder. She’s growing increasingly embarrassed. You see the frustration and helplessness. And then the unthinkable happens.

She gives him what he wants. 

If you’ve ever been shopping anywhere you’ve witnessed this scene. Perhaps, God forbid, that little boy is yours. Ouch!

Now, think of this little child as your flesh.

Your flesh, as the Bible defines it, is your natural tendency to sin. Paul gets specific in Galatians 5:19-21 when he lists the acts of your sinful nature: sexual immorality, hatred, jealousy, rage, drunkenness, etc. He says, “…those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

In Matthew 26:41, Christ said, “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (KJV) It’s true; when you’re trying to serve the Lord, it’s very hard to get your flesh to follow. Your spirit wants to serve, but your flesh is like an undisciplined child. 

However, sometimes your flesh is so forceful at asserting its own agenda, it’s almost impossible for you to follow Christ’s. Your flesh will fight against your every desire to serve the Lord and when it sees something it wants, it will fight to get it. 

That’s when you must find a will of your own and choose to resist, because the absolute worst thing you can do is give your flesh what it wants. You, mom will give in from exhaustion,

This is a parable of the gay agenda who hates God and is in rebellion:

. . .what if that little boy was yours...and was a rebellious teen? Would the rebellious spirit in him ever dissipate? Think about it:

All of us could easily fit that mold. It's been that way ever since God created Adam and Eve. She was tempted of Satan to eat of the tree of life—the tree in the midst of the garden; and she succumbed and ate, then enticed Adam and he ate also.

Sin continued till now. But Abraham, though not under the law, was considered by God to be righteous by his faith—not the Law. His righteousness was of faith in his God—not because of the law, for there was no law until Moses.

Why did God punish the first humans on earth? It was because God had already warned Adam's family about disobedience. He judged them only for the things He had already warned them of. (See Romans 4:13-16).

The Law came to show mankind the difference between evil and righteousness, leaving no excuse for sinning. Therefore, if our justification is dependent upon the Law, no one would ever be saved because no one is able to be fully obedient to the Law. In that sense, Grace and Law are anti-systems.

Sin abounded; but Grace much more abounds through righteousness. (Rom.5:20, 21).

The little boy represents the gay person who continually rebels. He goes his own way:

Consider the rebellious child as one who rebels against God and His direction for men. He who is resistant to the love of Christ becomes a type of the child demanding to be appeased by everything he wants; and may eventually become reprobate.

The mom is a type of the Holy Spirit, beckoning her precious son to behave himself; lest he be severely punished. Finally, after sending godly man after godly man, the Spirit is grieved insomuch that He turns loose. . .and His (God's) Spirit no longer strives...

God continues to search our hearts. To those who will fall on their faces in repentance, He will accept. For the generation with corrupted hearts, it is not too late to make that U-turn to Christ Jesus:

36 But I said unto you, That ye also have seen me, and believe not.37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. (John 6:36-38—KJV)

I pray everyone (all) will come to Him.

Blessings from
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