
Thursday, August 9, 2012

"Last Generation Forums" :: Prophecy Watch :: PROPHECY ARTICLES :: The UNHATE - LAWLESSNESS - Campaign

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  AuthorTopic: The UNHATE - LAWLESSNESS - Campaign (Read 1 time)
Michael James Stone
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« Thread Started Today at 12:46pm »
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On the Drudge Report of late I saw an image of President Obama (a leftist socialist MAN) kissing Hugo Chavez (a fascist leftist socialist MAN) on the lips! I wondered to myself, “What is all this idiocy about!!?” IS ANYTHING SACRED ANY MORE! As I clicked the picture’s link it was then no surprise to me who and what was behind this debauched imagery (Eph. 2:2-3). It was quite easy to read between the lines of this base and lawless foundation who are delusional licentious secularist which are seeking to redefine Almighty God’s ETERNAL spiritual absolutes and the laws of nature and of nature’s God for time (Psalm 1:4-6, 14:1; Rom.1:18-32; 3).


These lawless immoral utopians are hell bent in seeking the elimination and eradication of Almighty God and His RIGHTEOUS absolutes from the global public square. For all we know they might just be gullible reprobates beating their decadent drum but I believe there is more behind this movement. These haters of God are ever seeking to change the world by the delusional means of the lawless “non -virtues” of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS; These will - by any means - seek to justify their base unnatural sexual perversions which dominated by their unbridled licentious sexual desires (Isa. 5:20; Rom. 1:18-32; 3, Gal. 5:19-21). Their subtle lewd message to the world’s lost unregenerate masses is that by "means of lawlessness" the world can establish a more harmonious and peaceful world (Isa. 48:22; 57:21). These are ever seeking to make LAWLESSNESS natural and RIGHTEOUSNESS unnatural (Isa. 5:20). 

The UNHATE campaign's sole goal is to bring global acceptance to LAWLESSNESS (unnatural and immoral) and change the times and the seasons.

The UNHATE campaign subtly proclaims that if we can just eradicate the established UNCHANGEABLE boundaries of natural law and moral absolutes - which were founded at the beginning of the creation (Gen. 1:31) - then we will be free from Almighty God’s tyranny and oppressive rule of RIGHTEOUSNESS (Psalm 2:1-4). These godless secularists view these established boundaries of natural law and moral absolutes as tyrannical, fascist, bigoted and hateful (Rom. 1:18-32: 3). In their heart of hearts these truly HATE and ABHOR the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God but long for and desire its fruit in their decadent and lawless existence (Isa. 48:22; 57:21). So is the desire of this UNHATE campaign. Its sole goal is to bring global acceptance to LAWLESSNESS (unnatural and immoral) and change the times and the seasons (Isa. 5:20, Dan.7:25).

In their heart of hearts these truly HATE and ABHOR the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God but long for and desire its fruit in their decadent and lawless existence.
The UNHATE Game Plan

The godless of the world can NEVER change or alter TRUTH and REALITY. All they can try to do is to discredit and slander it. Look at all the countless slanderous labels applied to those who uphold morality, conservatism, Judeo/Christian values and faith in Almighty God and the Bible. These are ever seeking to take ground in their godless and lawless campaign by means of slanderous character assassination, fictional falsehoods and demonic defamation. They are masters of preying on the emotional responses of the masses of unstable individuals while using a victim status to move their lawless ball forward. These are disciples of Alinsky and his master and are experts in his rules for radicals. The game plan is to seek to polarize, discredit, cause doubt and villanize all of Almighty God’s established boundaries of natural law and moral absolutes by these offencive tactics (Isa. 24:5-6; John 3:19-21).

The godless of the world can NEVER change or alter TRUTH and REALITY. All they can try to do is to discredit and slander it.
These decadent secularists are masters of redefining language, using inverted euphemisms twisting absolutes, secularizing spiritual truths and violating God ordained established virtues. At the heart of this UNHATE movement is the homosexual lobby and their supporters. The goal of this movement is the promotion of a pluralistic and universal worldview, which hides behind the phrase of tolerance. What is hypocritical about these is that they have absolutely NO room or tolerance for any who adhere to established boundaries of natural law and moral absolutes. They are completely intolerant and sold out Stalinists when it comes to RIGHTEOUSNESS and moral absolutes (Rom. 1:18-32; 3).

At the heart of this movement is the abandonment of core absolutes and values (moral and spiritual). This movement seeks to undermine personal beliefs and practices for the supposed “betterment” of world unification. Its most damnable feature, however, is the staunch rejection of the sovereignty and reality of Almighty God, His authoritative Word (the Bible), and His Savior for all fallen men, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The true core of the Left are the secularists who wish to promote a delusional, pluralistic universe that combines all godless ideologies. However, their main goal and real agenda is to rid the world of all religious ideologies in favor of a secular, godless one (2 Thess. 2:8-12; Rev. 13).

As God’s children we need to be sharp and discerning today for there are many different voices and seducing spirits running rampant in this day and hour. 
All such movements today are setting the stage for the Day of Lawlessness and the Lawless “One” which is to come (Dan. 7:25, Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 13).

As God’s children (John 1:12, Rom. 8:14-18) we need to be sharp and discerning today for there are many different voices and seducing spirits running rampant in this day and hour (Matt. 24:4; 1 John 2:18; 4:1-3). May it be our sole desire today to draw ever closer to Almighty God, knowing what His will is for us and comprehending His precious Book more and more (John 17:17; Eph. 5:16-17; 2 Tim. 1:13).

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


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