
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Last Generation Forums" :: Prophecy Watch:: Nearing Midnight Commentary :: When Children Are a Curse

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  AuthorTopic: When Children Are a Curse (Read 1 time)
Michael James Stone
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 When Children Are a Curse
« Thread StartedToday at 9:40am »
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When Children Are a Curse

A memory burns in my mind's eye, although my physical eyesight is no more: my 2-year-old son's bright blue eyes looking up at me, a big smile on his face, while he stood with his little hands flat on a coffee table/ record player enjoying the music and feeling its vibrations through the coffee table top. 

Those big blue eyes and that unforgettable smile are a memory so vivid, I think of that scene often these 32 years later. I can see it now, writing this. With the hope you will forgive that moment of self-indulgent nostalgia, please travel with me from those special moments in the lives of your own children or grandchildren that make you smile every time they jump to the surface of your thoughts.

Contrast those remembrances with the memories that will flood from the almost incomprehensible waking nightmares that will forever be with the parents and grandparents of the little ones who died in one of the vilest acts ever perpetrated by human beings upon other human beings. I'm writing, of course, about the murderous rampage by so-called Chechen separatists, blamed for at least 335 deaths in the school hostage siege in Beslan, Russia less than two weeks ago.

Without meaning to say "we told you so," the case can now be more readily made that President Bush undertook the precisely right course when he took the fight to where the terrorists make their nests. The case has been put forward that it's either fight them there, where they inhabit their Middle East desert and Afghan mountainous lairs, or fight them in America's streets -and classrooms. Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian leadership have, until now, paid mere lip service to the "War on Terror." What a terrible price they had to pay for their wake-up call--the same horrendous type of wake-up call all who oppose our president's efforts to keep the terrorist atrocities from our shores should have the good sense to have realized from the 9/11 attacks.

That opposition has been somewhat muted due to the murders of the Russian children, teachers and parents. But one can hear, in our own country, the mantra and diatribes again rising as the political season picks up steam. Political expediency always, in the minds of some, must take precedence over principle and sound thinking.

The Russians are in no mood for political expediency at the moment. Neither should we be.

Despite the truth that we must be reasonable, and not get up a lynch mob to attack all who call Allah their god, the fact is that we face a religion-based force that must be recognized as such and dealt with in a way that leaves no doubt that future such abominations will be met with resistance that includes every military option at our awesome disposal. I, personally, believe that at the very least several well-placed MOAB-type ordinances could be effective, not only as a threat, but in actual usage.

We must love the Muslim people is the admonition of those whom say this is the way to win them. Sorry. We must love people despite their religion, it is true; but if we try to throw our arms around and embrace the fanatics like those who murdered those kids, we will wind up with the Islamic dagger in our national heart. The privilege of wielding the sword of the Gospel of Jesus Christ must, in our treacherous world today, be undergirded by carrying a really big military stick.

It will be interesting to watch how the Russian government, unconcerned with loving its enemies, handles the devastating losses the Russian people have just had inflicted upon them.

God has a memory that is infallible. He remembers in perfect, loving detail, every one of those precious little bright eyes whose beautiful effulgence was extinguished by the Islamic murderers. Almighty God knows those within Islam who strap bombs to their children, who hand them AK-47s and send them out to die for Allah. The Lord of Heaven remembers every atrocity that is perpetrated against mothers and children, who are kept from His Truth that Jesus Christ alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

God has prophesied His opinion and His sentence on those who curse the children.

"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones" (Luke 17:2). 
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