
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Prophecy Watch ::Nearing Midnight Commentary :: How Islam Stays Untarnished by Terrorism

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  AuthorTopic: How Islam Stays Untarnished by Terrorism (Read 1 time)
Michael James Stone
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 How Islam Stays Untarnished by Terrorism
« Thread Started Todayat 9:35am »
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How Islam Stays Untarnished by Terrorism

On September 3, the world was shocked by news that terrorists had killed more than 300 children at a school in the Russian town of Beslan. Of course, there was no great surprise that Islamic militants carried out the attack. 

When you turn on your TV today and see images of carnage it is easy to guess that the servants of Allah have struck once again. In fact, the mischief of Muslims has been so prevalent, I've noticed how they dominate world headlines.

One of my favorite sources for keeping up with world events is the news section on the Yahoo! search website. In the past few weeks, I've noticed that, on average, 6 out of 10 world news headlines have a Muslim connection. On September 9, the ratio had reached 9 out of 10 stories.

One of the biggest lies being promoted today is the idea that Islam is a peaceful religion simply plagued by bad elements. In reality, the so-called moderate Islamic groups are the renegades.

The basic teachings of Islam call for the brutal destruction of all other faiths. The Koran lists Jews and Christians as its main targets. Osama Bin Laden is correct when he claims to be the true follower of Mohammed.

With so much blood on the hands of Islam Arabs, one would think the non-Muslim world would be hostile to them. Of course, this has not been the case. Despite scenes of crazed Islamic lunatics firing on helpless children and almost daily reports of suicide bombings, very little anger is being pointed in Islam's direction.

I think the devil is the reason a backlash has failed to materialize. Satan is working to unify all major religions into what will become the Great Harlot Church. In many ways, he has used the carnage to speed up the process.

Many evangelical leaders have bought into the belief that all paths lead to God. One of the most glaring examples is prophecy teacher Jack Van Impe. The comments he made in his September 4 broadcast were so heretical, I feel they need to be strongly rebuked.

Van Impe started off by revealing the level of love he receives from Muslims in America and Canada. He proudly displayed a letter he had received from the leader of an American Islamic organization.

Jack repeatedly implied that Islam and Christianity are on equal terms. He bases this view on the Islamic verse that says Jesus will return to this planet to set up an earthly kingdom. Van Impe's most reprehensible remarks came when he used quotes from the Koran as a guide on how one should correctly deal with idolaters. 

It is rather bizarre for Jack to use words that you would expect to hear coming out of the mouth of Antichrist or the false prophet. It is doubly ironic that, in the next program, he used 1 Timothy 4:1 as a warning of the coming apostasy. 

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" (1 Tim. 4:1).

The Koran should never be used by a Christian as a source of truth. While it may include some positive statements about moral living, it also contains passages that directly contradict the Bible:

"The only true faith in God's sight is Islam" (Surah 3:19).
"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends" (Surah 5:51).

"And say: All praise is due to Allah, WHO HAS NOT TAKEN A SON and WHO HAS NOT A PARTNER in the kingdom" (Surah 17:111).

Ultimately, terrorism is not Islam's most dangerous element. The bombings and bullets from Islamic militants generally only kill a few people at a time. Because the Muslim faith denies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, it is able to doom tens of million of people. 

Christianity by its nature is incompatible with any other religion. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6). The Lord didn't say, "I am one way among many."
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